Chapter 21.

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CHAPTER 21: nothing's changed

[Zane doesn't have his own POV boarder thingy yet :( ]

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I was in bed one morning, checking up on the news and magazines about last night because I know the event would be all over the tabloids and my iPad was pinging all through the night due to people uploading articles about it.

Sofia was nestled by my side, snoring softly as she hid the covers over her body. Her neck and left arm was littered with hickeys and slight bite marks from the night before, but they were hardly noticeable when I covered her form in my button up shirt from the evening. My arm was around her as I felt her shift to move closer to me, her head resting on my chest and her slight bump in touching distance to my side.

There was a knock on the door in which I saw our housekeeper, Nellie lean her head in and showed me a small bottle with a spoon and a pack of my wife's vitamin medication prescribed to her in the early stages of her pregnancy.

"She's still asleep, but I'll make sure she takes it later on," I told her, my voice quiet as she entered our room to see our clothes scattered on the ground around our bed. I'm surprised she worked for us when she knew what she was getting herself into. Now that Sof was pregnant, her hormones spiked at the most random of times during the day or night.

"Sir, your brother and Michael Harrington would like to see you this afternoon after lunch so do you want me to prepare any refreshments for them?" she asked me as she stood at the end of our bed with her hands together waiting for a response from me.

"Yes, if you wouldn't mind, of course," I responded and Nellie simply nodded with a smile and left the room just as Sofia was waking up from her slumber. She usually woke up by herself, not saying a word to me because she was throwing up the contents of her stomach before the sound of her brushing her teeth echoes into our room, "morning, baby."

She groaned out before lifting herself up to face me slightly. I was wearing my glasses that morning whilst reading the news before my eyes flickered over to her. She had her usual messy hair and the shirt she was wearing wasn't buttoned up so I could see her breasts on full view to me.

"What time is it?" she asked me as my arm went down to her waist and pulled her to me. I placed my iPad to one side and pulled the woman closer to me and bent down to press a firm kiss to a bit of skin on her neck that I haven't left a hickey on yet, "o-oh, fuck, Z-Zane."

A smirk made its way to my lips as I pressed harder, pulling her closer as she gripped the back of my head, tugging at the strands there slightly before I heard her gag slightly, causing me to pull back immediately. I saw her face where the colour had completely drained and she held her mouth, worry clouding her eyes as she stared up at me.

"Sof, you okay?" before she could respond, she shot out of bed and into our bathroom, throwing up as she usually did in the morning. I sighed, resting back on the bed before getting out to help her. Well, that ruined the mood, I thought, now I need to have a cold shower, "hang on, okay? I'll fetch Nellie—"

"N-No—ugh, it's fine!" she exclaimed before I recoiled in slight disgust when I heard her throw up again. I walked into the bathroom to see her head in the toilet as she shook slightly because I know she never liked throwing up and avoided doing so at all costs.

My hand wound itself in her hair and pulled it back so she could breathe a bit without it in the way. She quietly thanked me as flashbacks of last night when my hand was in the same position in her hair as it was now coursed through my head which didn't really help with the boner I was already sporting.

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