Chapter 10.

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CHAPTER 10: big boy

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As if my day couldn't get any worst, I thought as Priscilla made her way quickly down the stairs to us, her hard gaze upon Liam. Her eyes were hungry as they stared him up and down, not hiding the fact she was checking him out.

Although, Liam was right about one thing. We are like polar opposites and whilst she dressed in the flashiest of things, I preferred to keeping my style simple and keeping to colours like beige or white. She liked the spotlight whilst I tried my hardest to stay out of it, not allowing even one beam of ray to touch me.

"Mr O'Connor, this is a lovely surprise—oh, Miss Harrington, I hardly noticed you there. You do have the tendency to blend in; you should wear brighter colours." ah, Priscilla, what a shit surprise. Want me to choke myself in the process as well? I gave her a smile as she strolled over to us and brushed me off entirely, "poor Brett. He was really stressed in there, but he's calmed down now. Whoever pissed him off did a damn well good job, fucking fool."

Little does she know that 'fucking fool' happens to be standing next to her. I covered my mouth to stop the smile coming onto my face. As my eyes flickered to Liam, I could tell he was trying to resist rolling his eyes. My lips were sealed tightly shut when I arched a brow at him, listening back to Priscilla's ranting.

"Well, whatever. Was it you, Miss Harrington? Trouble seems to like following you around," Priscilla spoke suspiciously as she crossed her arms over her chest. I hardly cared if it was about me—even though it's not—because why would I even be around a man I dislike after a meeting. If it were up to me, I would've left long before the meeting ended, but unfortunately, my name was called out to discuss the charity event.

"...why would it be me? Me and Mr Archer strongly dislike one another, but I have no reason to waste my time quarrelling with him." I meant every last word I said. My time is precious to me and I'd rather use it to benefit others than to waste my time on the drama that surrounds me.

"I don't know, but let's just say wherever you go, drama seems to follow." okay, bitch, come at me. I may be problematic, but I value my time and spending it around Brett is time I wish I could get back yet we can't all get what we wanted. Waves and waves upon anger and annoyance of being around him had caused me endless stress.

"You would know," I said back, my tone snarky before I felt someone stand in front of me. Before I could react, Liam was towering over me, his hand gripping onto my wrist slightly as he gave me a look. 'Stop it' I could only imagine him thinking or even 'you'll get into trouble', but if he thought I would give this up without a fight, he had another thing coming, "what're you doing?"

"Well, we must get going. I have important business to discuss with Miss Harrington," Liam spoke, his voice calm yet hiding something a bit more threatening as he turned slightly to speak to Priscilla. When he looked back to me, I could only stare in wonder and confusion at his sudden behaviour, "come on, Cassidy."

I felt myself being dragged towards the elevator by the tall figure in front of me, my gaze remaining behind me where I saw Brett head over to Priscilla. Thank fuck I wasn't there when he arrived and thank fuck Liam dragged me away in time. When the doors opened, he pulled me in and pressed the number up to his office.

It was just us in the elevator so I could hear him let out a deep sigh of relief. As I leaned casually against one of the sides, my eyes glided over Liam when he also leaned on a side directly across me. He was like a statue, stiff and rigid and I could only resist speaking up in case I did so out of turn because there was no reason to be annoyed by them. I've learnt over time that getting annoyed with people doesn't benefit anyone so I get used to it.

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