Chapter 68.

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CHAPTER 68: the trip to closure

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We had our luggage packed away for our flight and Russell planned on taking us to the airport

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We had our luggage packed away for our flight and Russell planned on taking us to the airport. He was taking Cynthia's news surprisingly well, but I could tell he was struggling underneath it all.

Well, the woman he's been having a fling with is pregnant with his child. I'm not surprised he's acting the way he is.

When Liam found out, he looked like a disappointed father, but he knew the kind of person Russell was. He wouldn't just up and leave Cynthia when she really needed him and though I questioned how well they were going to do this together, I had faith they'd make it through.

As Liam placed the last suitcase in, I had placed Cara in her carrier and put a leash on Ripley, waiting until Liam finished up and nodded in my direction.

It was around three in the morning. I haven't had an ounce of caffeine yet, Liam sported many scratches upon his arms after struggling with finding and catching Cara that morning, Russell looked like he's seen death and Ripley was far too excitable for my liking.

Once I'd managed to get Ripley in the seat behind the driver's, I got into the other side and placed Cara in the middle. She had some of her toys there to keep her occupied for the small journey to Zane's house.

They were both staying at his house, something I objected to when he suggested it considering he has a kid and piling on two animals would only add stress to both Zane and Sofia. However, he insisted on it being no trouble at all and it was extremely difficult to argue with him.

Ripley had his favourite tennis ball in his mouth, happily staring around him at the atmosphere. I have no idea where he gets the energy from, but wherever he gets it, I just know it's a hundred times stronger than any coffee I've ever drank.

Our journey was fairly easy considering it was still three in the morning, but with Liam interrogating Russell in the front, I almost worried for our lives whenever the man took a sudden sharp turn when his frustration with my boyfriend rose.

"Liam, if you don't stop asking questions—" I threatened him sharply, causing him to shrug in response and settle in his seat, "how are you taking the news then, Russ? Must've been a shock."

Liam threw his hands up at my question, "so I can't question him but you can. How is that fair?"

Russell scoffed, rolling his eyes as he stopped at a red light, "she only asked one question and to answer it, I'm still shocked. Really shocked. We were careful—always and...I don't know. It's—it's a lot to take in. She's pregnant with my child."

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