Chapter 67.

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CHAPTER 67: little firefly

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I'd waved goodbye to the last of the guests and amongst that small crowd was a drunken Owen clinging onto dear life against his girlfriend

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I'd waved goodbye to the last of the guests and amongst that small crowd was a drunken Owen clinging onto dear life against his girlfriend. He was close to passed out but still held onto that thin thread of energy he had left.

I watched them get into their vehicles before starting up their cars and making their way out of our property before finally closing the door and locking it. Ah, peace at last, I thought as the silence within the house echoed heavily in my ears.

Cassidy was probably getting ready for bed so as I shut the last of the lights off in the house, I joined her in our room. She wasn't in there when I entered, but I heard the sound of the shower from our bathroom.

My muscles ached from getting the house all set up and the strain of work piled on my shoulders, but she never knew that. She was probably in the same boat as I was, wanting her limbs massaged to ease the ache in them.

When I headed inside and stripped out of my shirt, she glanced over at me from the glass of our shower. Her hair was a dripping mess, mascara running down her cheeks and bubbly soap upon her body, "wanna join me?"

I chuckled at the question, "if I joined you, we'd never end up in bed—or we would and not for the conventional sleeping. I'll wait until you're done."

However, that was easier said than done. She didn't have to do anything but stand there puzzled to get me going. I left the room before she could tempt me in any more and sat patiently on our bed trying to calm the obvious hard on straining against my trousers.

I admired the paintwork of our room and the layout Cassidy organised, a mix and match of our things from my apartment and her house.

We took our time actually finding a house we both really liked, but once we did find one, we settled in like we've been living here for years. There were two spare bedrooms, one of which was used to store my gym equipment, but there was also a door in our room that led to a smaller room.

The shower from the bathroom and the noises I could hear was shuffling and the sound of Cass trying to dry her hair. She looked exhausted by the end of the party that I told her to head up early whilst I said goodbye to the guests. A lot of her time was spent talking to Cynthia and Sofia or trying to stop her cousins from drinking into an oblivion.

Although, now that I think about it, Cynthia wasn't her usual self tonight. I didn't know her well, but I was observant and paid attention to the things Cassidy told me. I remember her saying one time that Cynthia never went to a gathering 'without having at least one alcoholic drink'.

I paid attention to all the guests tonight, but something just felt odd about Cynthia. Russell, as well was acting odd. He zoned out every few minutes when I spoke to him and though he eased up by the end of the night, there was still a look on his face that I couldn't quite understand.

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