Chapter 02.

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CHAPTER 02: meeting

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After completing another day of work, I sat exhausted in my chair. It was six-thirty and I had finished my last patient of the day. As much as I loved my job, it was quite difficult sometimes. Some patients were so hung onto trauma that it seemed almost impossible to move on. I've dealt with different people over the years, some with phobias, some with addictions or past trauma.

When they leave my office with a small smile on their face, at least I can stay sane knowing they're alright for now. Suddenly, I heard my office door open and saw Kelsey and Jason stood at the door. They had packed their things and were on their way to leave.

"Miss Harrington, you don't mind locking up for us, do you? It's just I have to get home to the children," Kelsey said as Jason stepped in slightly.

"I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow, you have a lecture at Greenwood School and the town hall," he spoke and I nodded. Lectures weren't that uncommon and it was our job to get more students into psychotherapy and mental health. Even talking to someone and spreading awareness that no one is alone. Usually, it was me who went to schools and colleges and gave the lectures, but when my schedule was too full, I sent someone else, "the school is at ten in the morning and the town hall, one PM."

"Thank you, Jason. You two can leave and I'll lock up tonight," I spoke and they both nodded, wishing me a good night and soon, their chuckles and drained away. I closed all the windows in my office before grabbing my things and heading out of the entrance before making my way down the stairs to the entrance. The keys jingled in my hand as I locked the doors that night and headed to the nearest bus stop.

As soon as I stepped into my house, I breathed out, taking my heels off and dumping my bag by the door. A familiar bark caught my attention and I whistled, this time followed by a meow. Ah, my babies, I thought. A ball of excitement and golden retriever pounced towards me, his tongue sticking out. He lay down in front of me and I scratched him behind his ears.

"Hiya, boy," I cooed as his paw landed itself in my hand in excitement, "awe, who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? It's...Ripley—ah, yes you are. Do you want some food? Come on, let's find Cara, okay?"

I owned two pets in total, but sometimes, my cousin Zane would come to my house to feed them during the day and to keep them company. Sometimes I got lonely especially in a house by myself so I first got Ripley to keep me company, but then I noticed he started getting lonely as well so I got him a companion.

He was just a little dog when I took him with me to the adoption centre and started looking at new friends for him. When I was talking to one of the employees, I noticed he had run off and was scratching the glass where one of the animals lived. I walked up to him and saw a small grey cat sat comfortably by the glass, her paws coming up to meet Rips' and that was when I realised they were meant to be together.

I mean, Cara is moody the majority of the time, but Rippey is really the only animal who can make her happy as well as the small adventures that spice up her life—oh and mice, but I won't go into more detail about that.

I walked into the kitchen and opened one of the drawers before scooping some dog food into Ripley's bowl and reaching into a cupboard to open a can of cat food. Cara came home when she wished and there was a cat flap in the garden and by the front door. Ripley stayed at home with Zane and he tells me they've bonded on a spiritual level by now, often talking about their greatest achievements and future aspirations.

"Oh, Ripley, it looks like she's not home yet," I muttered as Ripley tucked into his food quietly. There was some leftover pasta in the fridge so I decided to eat that and I settled on a stool by the kitchen island and watched Ripley eat contently.

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