Chapter 55.

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CHAPTER 55: Evangelina

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After our talk in the bedroom, I complained of hunger and he complained of thirst—whether it was thirst for me or a drink, I have no idea—but we headed out, me in his shirt and him in his boxers as we headed downstairs to the kitchen. Though he chuckled continuously at my struggle to get down each step due to the ache in between my legs, we managed to get there so I could start cooking us dinner.

Whilst I let the food simmer in the pan, me and Liam entertained ourselves to dancing around my kitchen, his hand on my waist as I stood on my tiptoes in happiness. He danced with such balter, effortlessly for pure entertainment rather than grace. I felt him lift me up by the waist, his touch firm against my hips as he spun us around.

"I like your hair like that," I said to him as I combed my fingers through his messy hair that he brushed back just before we left my room, "it looks hot."

A small classic Liam smirk appeared on his lips before he pressed a small kiss onto my cheek. I hugged myself closer to him, my body pushed up against his firm chest as he spun us around again.

"Look at you in my work shirts, though. I just know you're not wearing panties under there." I gasped, feeling his fingers against my clit, gripping hard upon his shoulders as he rubbed gently, "don't tell me you're soaked again."

"I can't help it," I muttered, gently placing my head upon his shoulder and relaxing once he took his fingers away from in between my legs. Liam glided us around and I steered him in the direction of the stove with a light laugh.

He simply watched me cook, leaning back against the kitchen island as I finished up, placing the food on two plates before I felt him press up against my back.

When people looked at Liam, they would've never assumed he was very much into hugging. He liked his personal space and having people too close to him made him uncomfortable.

Unless that person's me, though. His arm tangled aimlessly around my waist, causing his shirt to slightly arise when he pulled me against him.

"Will you stop it?" I spoke, trying to do the simplest of tasks whilst he was practically glued to my side, "I can't get anything done properly with you clinging to me like that."

"Leave it till later. Let's just eat together," he muttered in return and I realised this man would be the death of me, the kind who was stubborn and difficult to persuade. There wasn't any way I could tell him otherwise so I agreed and he settled me on his lap in my front room.

The weather only got worst once summer ended. The air cooled in preparation of autumn and winter, almost bitter and numbing to be in and it rained heavily most days as it was currently.

It hailed earlier when we were still in the bedroom, but we resorted to watching it fall at my window, wrapped up in my sheets as we discussed what we would do once the night had ended.

Liam wanted to find information—that as much was obvious—but where we would find it is another question. Owen had multiple sources for potential information and we could easily branch out to our friends for help. Whether Liam is more than accepting for that help is what I'm worried about.

"My mother was beautiful apparently." he placed another bit of food in his mouth and chewed quietly as he thought, "her name was Evangelina."

I smiled as I ate my food. It's a beautiful name, I thought.

"There isn't much I know about her, but a friend of mine said that she only wanted me to be happy and never change from the kind of person that I was as a kid, which is sad to think about...because I did change. I had to. If I didn't, I would've been deemed weak and fuck knows what my father could've done if I didn't try to overpower him." I faltered in my place, feeling his arm tighten around me before I settled my plate on the table in front of me and turned to face him, "Alex wanted to give me a better life; he would've given me everything I actually needed as a kid. Friends, socialising...a childhood. I knew and he knew that he couldn't if he'd only end up dead. He sacrificed a new life for always looking out for me from a distance, but as long as he knew I was safe, he didn't care."

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