Chapter 64.

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CHAPTER 64: something off and the surprise

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Something was off about Cynthia.

I didn't want to say anything, but it was becoming obvious to me. Of course, she did her own thing and I never questioned it because most of her activities were on her own away from people's company.

However, a lot of her time was now spent with Russell, which was suspicious in itself that he'd managed to change her act fairly quick. But that wasn't what made me notice the signs.

She was now spending less and less time with him. That led me to wonder what exactly went on between the two.

Cynthia's always been private about certain aspects of her life and me—along with our friends—never minded that. Her sexual relations with people as well as her life back home were things she held close to her chest.

I was now sat with her across me having lunch. I'd suggested a bottle of wine in which she refused, which again to me seemed odd. She was never the kind of person to reject an offer on an alcoholic beverage.

"How's Russell treating you?" I teased with a small smile, tucking into my steak as the woman sat across me gave a small scoff.

"We're not dating, you know."

Shrugging, I sipped on my drink and placed it back upon the table, continuing with the teasing on her unknown relationship with the man, "I never said you were, but if you're insinuating..."

"No, no, not at all," she told me, shaking her head, "it's just...from personal experiences, flings don't tend to treat you as well as a boyfriend would, but who knows? Some can be an exception."

We settled into our food, the air shifting ever so slightly that to anyone who wasn't observant probably wouldn't have noticed. It was slightly awkward and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable where I was sat.

Usually, we had an infinite amount to talk about, but it seemed we were cut short. I didn't know what to ask because I was far too focused on the tension hanging in the room.

I only noticed the noise of our cutlery hitting the plates sometimes and the sound of glass upon glass whenever we put our drinks down. Well, this isn't awkward at all, I thought, say something. Anything because I can't stand this—

"And you?" she suddenly asked, making me perk up. Her finger traced the rim of her glass as her eyes simply stared into me, "how's Liam treating you? He better be looking after you or I'll come after him myself."

I laughed at the statement, easing in my chair slightly. This was the Cynthia that I knew. Protective and jokey even if right now, she was giving off a vibe that I couldn't quite put my finger on, "he's treating me perfectly. I wish you could experience the kind of relationship I have because ugh, it's so refreshing."

Then she showed me her awkward smile. A thin lipped, appearing to be happy but if you read into it, it says otherwise smile, "I'm happy for you, you know. You deserve this after everything."

Her eyes flickered from me every so often, it was beginning to grow obvious and it caused my brows to furrow in slight confusion and concern. I know she's hiding something—I mean, she's not very good at hiding it, is she?

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