Chapter 30.

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CHAPTER 30: stroking the curiosity

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After entering the competition, I began to get started on a potential routine

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After entering the competition, I began to get started on a potential routine. I was in no way rusty when it came to dancing. It was my form of exercise alongside going to the gym, but nothing could stop the nerves kicking in. I was doing this for Liam because he knew I was able to and it would've made me happy if I won again.

I was busy stretching at the studio space at the country estate when Michael came in suddenly, waiting until I finished before coming towards me. He waved to me as I beckoned for him to sit down in front of me on the floor.

"Hello, dear cousin," he spoke in a mock posh accent as I chugged down some of my water, wiping at my mouth with the back of my hand after, "I heard you're entering a competition this year again and by 'I've heard', I mean everyone's heard. You've put the fear of God onto their faces."

I didn't intend to. I was doing the competition out of enjoyment and so should everyone else. As much as winning was an extra added bonus, true dancers don't just dance to win; they dance out of pure passion for doing it because it's what they love to do. However, I wasn't as skilled as some of the other dancers who entered so I doubt they'd be so worried about me.

"Oh, shush, it's not that big of a deal," I told him, stretching forward and touching my toes so easily that my cousin was almost impressed. He attempted to do the same, but fell flat and landed on his side before moving onto his back to stare up at the ceiling, "I wonder when dad's moving back to the estate. I've been getting numerous calls by the staff there saying the place's descended into utter chaos."

I've always told them to talk to mother, but it was clear she intended to make my life more difficult by passing the issues to me—issues she should be taking care of herself but had decided not to. She certainly was enjoying her last few months in that house, I thought before releasing a sigh.

"You working till nine tonight again?" I asked in which he groaned out in exhaustion. We usually had dinner with Sofia, Zane and Jordan on Thursday evenings, but Michael's been extremely busy these past few Thursdays. It was the busiest day out of his schedule so far, "you need to take a break, Michael. Why don't you ask Russell to fill in for you? Unless he's chasing after Cynthia again—I swear, that guy does nothing now but that."

"He's probably going to ask her out to dinner again only for her to say 'no'. Again." I laughed, knowing full well how it's been between Cynthia and Russell. She's been calling me about him for the past few days, telling me how he kept asking her out on a date. The man's got spirit, though, I must admit and at least his heart's in the right place.

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