Chapter 34.

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CHAPTER 34: the ones who don't love

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"Cassidy!" I froze up at the voice of my cousin in the entry, lifting myself up slowly to peer over the couch

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"Cassidy!" I froze up at the voice of my cousin in the entry, lifting myself up slowly to peer over the couch. He wasn't noticeable from where I was lying, but I could tell he was talking to Elaine.

Me and Liam quickly pushed ourselves off of each other, the man's strong hands lifting me off of him and fixing my skirt, which had crumpled when I was on top of him. He stood up quickly after me, quickly pulling my body against his hard chest to peck my lips.

"What're you doing?" I asked when he pulled away. By then, the heat had crept up my neck and to the very tips of my ears and cheeks, which is just about the greatest effect he could ever have on me, "Michael's going to know I'm blushing."

"Just say it's the heat," he spoke casually as he craned his head through the doorway to see if my cousin was there before heading over to the stool where he had thrown his jacket and tie earlier in the afternoon. I watched as he threw his jacket over his shoulder, stuffing his tie in his pocket before his eyes averted to the entrance of the kitchen where my cousin stood.

Michael too had discarded his jacket but still had his tie on, his sleeves rolled up instead. His eyes watched us, piercing and suspicious as if we'd just been caught in the act of doing something we weren't supposed to.

It wasn't that we were embarrassed of each other—no, no, it was quite the opposite. To anyone with the ability to see, it was plainly obvious that me and Liam had taken a liking to one another.

However, to people like my cousin, Michael—who I don't see everyday—he wasn't as caught up with everything and also, nothing's confirmed. We haven't denied or accepted our feelings towards one another and I would love to save Michael the potential heart attack when he finds out.

"Hey...I was looking for you," he spoke, still holding us down in a deep stare. If I could tell what was going on in his mind, it would probably be some form of hypnosis. From the look on his face, it was obvious he knows something's going, but we weren't admitting it—at least not yet anyway, "you left in quite a hurry and I was worried. I wanted to check on you, but it looks like someone beat me to it."

I averted my gaze to Liam, focusing on the way he was stood. His form was rigid as was my own probably as well. He refused to properly meet Michael's eyes, but he still shrugged as if nothing was going on.

"I came here to discuss some business with her," he told Michael, which was partly true. Personal matters that we attended to—our own 'little business', "I saw that she was upset so I stayed awhile to keep her company. It's almost night so I should head home, but I hope you're feeling okay."

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