Chapter 18.

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CHAPTER 18: the red dress

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"Sir, here's your jacket

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"Sir, here's your jacket. Pressed just like you asked," Jane spoke as I fixed myself up in the mirror. My hands were at the buttons on my sleeves, fixing them until perfect before reaching for the black tie that was thrown over the mirror earlier, "do you want me to get your shoes from Russell?"

"No thanks, Jane. Just place the jacket on the chair and leave Russell to do what he wants," I told her, knowing full well my assistant is busy with his head too far up his ass to help me out. My eyes slowly watched the woman as she hung the jacket over the chair carefully and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I trusted her judgement, but sometimes she stresses me out too much to cope, "if you're going down there, please tell Russ that if he gets into my fridge where my food is, I'll break his legs, okay?"

Jane looked slightly alarmed for a second, spinning round from the door to face me. When she noticed my serious face and calm persona, she only nodded slowly in response and left without saying another word. Poor woman, I probably scared her to death, I thought as I finished up on my tie.

I had woken up this morning ready to face whatever this night had to offer. Although I looked like I'd been confined in my house in utter darkness my whole life, I freshened up with a shower and shaved the five o'clock shadow that was beginning to grow. Going to work was a breeze because it was early and I got a lift from a Russell who was less than pleased when he had to pick me up so early, but he was always like that on most days.

He probably hasn't seen a girl he liked yet in the club. Russell Harris was one big womaniser, but god was he always on time with everything. The guy was like his own clock even if his morals could do with some rethinking. A handsome man to many women with light hair and dark devilish eyes to contrast, he's been my assistant since I started the business, working alongside me for years now.

"Yo, bro, stop threatening me like that. You'll scare Jane away." I heard the voice before I could actually see him, but I knew it was Russ, coming into my room unannounced like he always did. One day, he's going to walk in whilst I'm having sex and then we'll both need therapy, "plus, hurry up, I wanna get there early for drinks."

"Get out," I said simply, turning from my mirror and heading over to the chair to grab my jacket that hung there. Russell was stood at my door, leaning against it as I slid my arms through the sleeves before tugging the jacket on and checking myself over once again. Russell was looking at me expectantly, but I shot him down quickly with a glare of my own, "I don't care if you want to get drunk tonight—actually, I do care because you're representing my company which means you have to behave."

"Oh, come on, that's just lies. No one behaves at those events. Remember when Michael and Brett nearly got into that fight? Those two had the ability to kill each other." I quickly shushed him by walking out of my room and through the corridors of my apartment to the main room where Jane was stood in her dress for the evening.

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