Chapter 65.

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CHAPTER 65: caught red handed

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"Well...are you going to keep gawking or are you going to give me a hug?" Liam's arm was wrapped firmly around my waist, bringing me to his side happily as I tried to comprehend the woman stood in front of me, "I really surprised them, huh?"

She turned to her left where Owen stood, but he simply shrugged in response, "you're the one who wanted it to be a surprise, blondie."

"I know, I know, but look at Cassidy. She's looks like she finally knows Victoria's secret," she muttered before turning her gaze back to us and eyeing the way Liam clung himself to me, "I hope those coupons have been coming in handy."

I nodded, prying the man's arm from me so I could throw myself at my best friend in disbelief. Her arms immediately wrapped themselves around me as I hugged her, realising now how much I actually missed her hugs, "what are you doing here? Is this the surprise? Turning up at my door like that and you..."

I pointed behind Brielle at Owen, his eyes widening in surprise, "you knew all about this, didn't you? Did Liam know?"

"Nope," the man muttered with a small grin, "she wanted to surprise you both and I knew he told me he was going to dinner at yours so I figured she come here instead."

There was still a buzz in my system, one of excitement as I invited the pair in and asked if they wanted a drink or something to eat. We settled ourselves at the table as Liam moved our plates to the sink. He then travelled over to the wine rack and collected a bottle and three glasses for us.

"You guys drink. White wine okay?" he asked as I glanced back to him with an arched brow. Obviously, I've seen Liam manage just fine around alcoholic beverages at events, but I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable whilst we drank around him. When his eyes slid over to meet mine, I'm pretty sure he understood from the way I looked at him in concern, "it's fine. Really, it is. I'm not that thirsty anyway. Please don't let me stop you from drinking."

One glass in front of each of us and the bottle in the middle of the table, he settled back next to me, pulling my chair closer and pressing a reassuring kiss against the side of my head. His arm settled comfortably around the back of my chair as we settled into a conversation about everything we've been up to.

Owen poured us some wine whilst Brielle spoke about how finding a job that suited her just fine in NYC was difficult, but Owen had pulled through just for her.

"So you're moving here then?" I assumed so considering she was going to work here, "are you moving in with Owen or are you two going to find a place of your own?"

"Moving in with me for a while. We wanna see what it's like, you know? It might be too fast of a change or we might actually really like shacking up with each other," she explained, bringing her glass up to her lips and taking a sip of her wine before settling it back on the table, "I heard you two were looking for a place. Found anywhere good yet?"

To be fair, we haven't gone house hunting that much. Our schedules have been hectic, especially Liam's what with winter coming in. He's usually busier around that time. However, we weren't in a rush to find a place. If something pops up that we like, we'll consider it, but we weren't really complaining about current circumstances. I was willing to make the trip from work to his place as he was willing to come to mine, "no, but we've got a few houses to visit next week. My cousin, Zane's neighbourhood. They have a few houses we've been considering—oh, you have to meet Cynthia and Sofia. Trust me, you'll love them and they know this city like the back of their hands."

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