Chapter 08.

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CHAPTER 08: bad feeling

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I huffed out, brows furrowing together slightly as I finished in my last position and the ache in my legs began to settle. Ballet wasn't my priority anymore, but I still got my pointe shoes replaced as often as I could. It helped me to relieve stress from everything and I did it under the morning sun in my own studio area; sometimes in the evenings as the sun set and the sky was beautiful shades of purple, pink and orange.

There was a sudden knock on the door when I finished, releasing heavy breaths as I walked over to the door and opened it to see Elaine stood there with my towel in her hand. The woman handed it to me as I walked out with her, linking my arm with her's with a smile.

"Oh, madam, look at you. You're sweating. Let me at least turn on the air conditioning for you." she ushered me upstairs to my room where I usually went to take a shower after working out or doing ballet, "Zane Harrington's wife called and she requested your help on the baby shower. If you didn't mind, of course."

As I sat on my bed feeling the cool air flow down upon me, Elaine busied herself at my closet to pick out my outfit for today.

Sophia Harrington, the wife of Zane Harrington was as beautiful as the tabloids described her to be and we all admitted that she was probably the most unproblematic woman the family's ever met. The only thing she ever wanted to hide due to utter embarrassment was how he met her husband.

They had met when their parents introduced them to one another, the same way parents would introduce their children or another friend, but he thought of her as 'boring' and like a 'sheet of paper' because she was apparently rather bland compared to him. She thought of him as the 'excitement she wished she had growing up'.

However, his opinion of her quickly changed that same night...

A night club in the city three years ago. She was celebrating a birthday with her friends and had done a lap dance on Zane who was also there with his friends from college. He apparently really enjoyed it, but that changed when she stopped during it to argue with another woman—who at the time, was acting like Zane was her man. Let's just say it didn't end well.

She slapped the girl and Zane asked her out to dinner the same night.

The one night she was properly dreading talking about at family dinners and where she had acted only on her own behalf and on her self-respect yet my cousin found it 'extremely hot'. She was known to not be a fighter, resorting to staying out of trouble and was a good enough candidate to be Zane's wife. Sofia could've kept him grounded maybe even stopped his partying habits and it was true that she definitely left an impression of him.

"I wonder if it's a girl or boy," I spoke out of the blue as Elaine walked back in with a chosen outfit in her hands. The woman seemed to be surprised I was still sat there as she might've thought I've gone to the shower already, "oh, my shower. Sorry, my mind drifted. Please let Sofia know I'll be meeting at her estate, if it's alright with her."

"Ah, yes, of course. I'll let her know right away." she nodded as I headed into my bathroom and closed the door, locking it behind me. I stripped out of my dirty gym clothes and placed them in the laundry basket next to my shower. There was nothing better than the familiar scent of my perfume and soaps within the confines of my bathroom. I wouldn't make it if a new soap were to come in place and replace the smell I was so used to knowing.

When I got into my shower, I turned it on and began running my hands through my hair as the water rained down on me. I was so excited to become an aunt to Sofia's baby and she was excited too every time I went to her home to see her.

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