Chapter 15.

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CHAPTER 15: the confusing case of Liam O'Connor

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Richard Harrington was annoyed not only at the tabloids and news articles but also at what they said

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Richard Harrington was annoyed not only at the tabloids and news articles but also at what they said. The brother who was always cool, calm and collected was utterly shitting it to put it lightly and wanted to quickly barricade his daughter in a house all to herself, so she wouldn't be put in any sort of danger.

He knew his daughter had the fight he also had in him, but she was vulnerable to just about everything. Men, business, crazy women, hay fever and the list went on. God, her hay fever had only got worst as she grew up, he thought as he stood at the window that overlooked the garden on the ground floor.

On his desk—newly printed and read the most recent news—was the newspaper, along with a magazine with Cassidy's picture on the front cover. It sat there, not having been touched by anyone except Jordan when he brought it to him that morning.

The man didn't even need to read the article on the first page because as soon as he saw the picture, his mind would only wander to the truth. His daughter. Liam O'Connor. Together. Alone.

Abort mission, abort mission, abort mission.

The two were difficult people to read, often displaying obvious love for the people who adored them and simply ignoring those who didn't. They basked in attention, but not too much and hid themselves away when they felt they needed to and not only that, but they had their priorities in check. A dream or ambition that came first in their lives before anything else.

Mr Harrington didn't know Liam too well, only having met him a couple of times and found him to be respectable and not down every single glass of champagne or wine at events like there was no tomorrow. Somehow, he knew the young man hid secrets and his unknown background only influenced that.

His daughter, Cassidy was the same. There were things in her life she refused to talk about, things she didn't want to admit to anyone whether it was on TV, an interview or to someone's face. Not many knew of how she struggled against society at a young age.

In a sense, they were reserved at just the right time and place, keeping themselves to themselves unless comfortable to let loose. However, that wasn't why Richard was worried.

It was mostly because he had just got his daughter back and was still in the process of earning her forgiveness. The familiar fatherly protectiveness started to kick in and even seeing her with another man made his blood boil.

"Uncle," a voice spoke behind him. When he turned around, Michael was stood there, hands deep in his pockets as Richard could see the familiar stance and serious face of his older brother. Michael was a lot like him in ways no one would expect, from his serious tone and the way he spoke sometimes, "I have some news that you might be interested in. It's about Cassidy."

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