Chapter 43.

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CHAPTER 43: the scar


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I was currently stuck in a state of euphoria from the best orgasm I could possibly experience in my life

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I was currently stuck in a state of euphoria from the best orgasm I could possibly experience in my life. I'd turned onto my stomach, leg to the side as I tried to recover myself.

Liam's hands were deft beneath my thighs as he shifted me onto my back once again. I moaned as two of his fingers ran up my pussy softly.

"Oh." I shivered, feeling how he placed my legs around his waist before leaning down once again to reclaim my lips, my arms winding lazily around his neck as I felt him at my entrance.

Tongue against my own, he gently pushed in, my arms tightening around his neck as he pulled back.

"You good?" he asked me, a small piece of his hair falling against my forehead as I nodded to him. I leaned up, pressing small kisses to his cheek just as he thrusted in hard.

I practically screamed out, arching off the bed and feeling the way he felt inside. His hands fell next to my head to steady himself as he groaned lowly. I moaned in response when he started to thrust slowly, pulling out and pushing back in again.

"Oh, fuck!" I muffled out from beneath my hand as I tried desperately to quieten my shouting, "that's so good!"

When I looked up, I saw the smirk playing on his lips, sinful and utterly wicked. A layer of sweat was building up on his skin as he roughly pulled me closer to him and thrusted hard, picking up the pace so that I became breathless.

"You like me like this? Deep inside you?" he groaned, hips thrusting in to meet mine as I felt my eyes roll back, "say you fucking love it, Angel."

His arms pulled me closer to him as he continued at his pace, concentrating deeply on reaching his peak. I throbbed around him, unable to comprehend that someone could make me feel this good.

One of his hands ran its way up my body, past my breast and to my neck, gently holding it and squeezing lightly.

"I-I love it," I moaned, filling the air with my shouts until I was certain my voice would be gone, "harder—oh!"

He was deep like so deep to the point where black dots clouded my vision, pleasure overrunning me until I was limp in his arms, allowing him to use me until he'd peaked.

However, ecstasy coursed through our veins like it was never ending and I thought to myself that this was a moment I never wanted to end.

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