Chapter 11.

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CHAPTER 11: Jake

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"Baby, it's quite weird, isn't it?" Priscilla spoke, lying on her side as she propped herself up on her elbows

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"Baby, it's quite weird, isn't it?" Priscilla spoke, lying on her side as she propped herself up on her elbows. She found it strange that Liam was able to even be a metre near Cassidy without her freaking out and the two have become somewhat closer from what the articles have said.

At first, she assumed it was just a rumour—a joke even, but as more and more articles and photos emerged, she began to think there was more to their relationship than just business. It was the photos from their dinner together that convinced her there must be something going on between them.

"What is?" Brett asked, distracted by the fact he was getting ready for work so he paid no mind to the woman on his bed, dressed in a silk nightgown and dark hair flowing down past her shoulders. He quickly fixed up his tie in the mirror, eyeing Priscilla behind him as the woman simply arched her brow at him.

"How close Cassidy and Liam are. You can't say you haven't noticed it because we all have—hell, even the news articles have noticed it." at that, he spun around and looked at her confused before rolling his eyes. Brett knew there was no way Cassidy could get close to another man; she distanced herself as much as possible because she couldn't bear the burden of her past, "I even went to his office and all his secretary says is that he's busy. Next thing I know, Cassidy's free to go and see him ten minutes later—"

"You need to stop going there. I'm dead serious and don't look at me like that." he never intended his voice to come out harsh, but it was incredibly suspicious and a bad look for not only her but him as well. The embarrassment of reading in the tabloids and articles that his girlfriend could potentially be cheating on him made his skin crawl just thinking about it, "to hell with the guy. If he wants to see her then so be it, but they won't last, not as friends and definitely not as lovers. Have you seen Cassidy? She'll ruin him."

Priscilla grabbed a cigarette from the side before Brett got a lighter out and lit it for her. She placed it in her mouth and took it out once again to blow out a puff of smoke. As an actress, she was used to playing the part well, but when it came to being around Cassidy, it was quite difficult being friendly and only passive aggressive to her. Sometimes, she just wanted to choke her to death from how infuriating she was.

"Dumb bitch," she muttered, placing the cigarette into her mouth again, "what if they do last? What if they become really good friends and date? What the fuck happens then because it would've been a waste of my time if by the end, I get nothing."

"Ah, they won't. Their pasts catch up to them pretty quick and it'll ruin each other like it did to them." Brett reached out to run his thumb over Priscilla's cheek before a slight smirk appeared in his lips, "it's only just a matter of time. Just a bit of patience."

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