Chapter 61.

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CHAPTER 61: lunch for two

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Reaching over to the remote, I stopped halfway debating whether I should actually watch the video

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Reaching over to the remote, I stopped halfway debating whether I should actually watch the video. The same one me and Cassidy used to watch when we reminisced our days of dancing together.

I still remembered the day I was told I couldn't dance anymore and it was like I'd have to give up my whole world. It still hurt too much to remember how upset I was that day.

I let out a shaky sigh and pressed start. It was our very last competition together—my very last one before I got the news. Wrapping the sheets closer to myself, I hugged my knees and gently rested my head upon them.

Our costumes were beautiful, following the same colour scheme, but even then, the costume designs were slightly altered.

Before Cassidy first won the competition and began her winning streak, I'd won previously and it was the most euphoric feeling I could ever experience. I remember crashing down when I heard my name, crying on stage as my team joined me.

Me and Cassidy were the winning duo. We represented our team and both won the awards. It was something I did for myself because it was the only time people acknowledged me and it was ripped from me.

I didn't want Cassidy to bear the burden of guilt from flaunting her winning in front of me. I didn't care that she could dance and I no longer could. We danced together because we were always going to be proud of one another. Never was I bitter and I encouraged her to flaunt her winning, convincing her enough that I even became her costume designer alongside Sofia and companion at her competitions. If anything, I was probably her number one supporter.

"Hey," a voice started behind me, causing me to turn slightly to see Russell stood there with an arched brow. He was only wearing his boxers as he just stood there awkwardly, "you weren't in bed when I woke up."

No, I was too busy throwing the contents of my stomach up. Must've been the crappy restaurant food I had the night before.

"I felt like waking up early," I spoke softly before turning back towards the screen when I heard sudden cheering and clapping.

My skin was cold from the cool air, but I presume Russell must've been cold as well from the fact his fingers were cold to the touch. He sat down beside me, fingers weaving through my hair as they delicately pressed against some skin on my bare back.

"Do you miss it?" he asked suddenly, pulling me back slightly against his chest, warmth pooling in my belly from his body heat, "you were pretty good."

"I can't miss it. If I do, it'll make me want it back even more and I know that's not possible." I snickered lightly behind my hand before glancing up at Russ slightly, "that's why most of my time is spent making Cassidy into one of the greatest dancers to ever exist. If I didn't get that stupid injury, I'd still be a dancer."

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