Chapter 58.

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CHAPTER 58: a family's bond

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"Zane, stop it—we have guests downstairs," I whispered sharply, finishing getting ready as I felt a hand scoop one of my tits, a pair of lips pressing against my neck, "I'll suck you off later, but we have to talk to your cousins

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"Zane, stop it—we have guests downstairs," I whispered sharply, finishing getting ready as I felt a hand scoop one of my tits, a pair of lips pressing against my neck, "I'll suck you off later, but we have to talk to your cousins."

"God, I love it when you talk dirty," the man behind me muttered, his tongue darting out against my skin. He was towered over me, distracting me from finishing up after my shower and feeding Zara—who was now preoccupied downstairs with her grandmother, "we won't be a while—just a few minutes."

Snorting, I patted gently at my lips before moving past him to grab my phone on the side. Knowing him, we'll be here a while, "blowjob. Later. Downstairs. Now."

He shook his head with a light chuckle, heading out of our room, but not before playfully trying to smack me on the ass and missing completely. My reflexes were just too godly for someone like Zane.

We headed downstairs, him in front of me and he waited at the bottom to reach an arm around my waist, "I've found a few houses Cassidy and Liam can view—oh, don't look at me like that, flower."

"I will look at you how I want. How many times do I have to tell you not to pout like that about those two? I think it's great they're moving in together and you know for a fact this is the kind of stability Cassidy needs in her life. At least pretend to be happy about them," I muttered, feeling him pull me closer to his body. Overprotective men, I thought with a sigh. Zane's chest rumbled as he grunted, something he does when he doesn't want to admit he's wrong, "if not for them then for me at least."

Because he'd do anything for me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, lifting myself up on my tiptoes to press a firm kiss by his jaw on his pulse. His favourite spot. A sigh escaped him before his arm wound round my waist to pull me closer to him, something I wasn't used to yet since I had the baby.

His hard chest and strong form against my own was strange to feel because Zara prevented us from getting so close to each other.

"Okay, okay, I guess," he grumbled, pressing a kiss to the side of my head, "but only because I love you."

Laughing lightly, I pulled him with me into the front room, trying to suppress the butterflies that fluttered in my gut because by God when Zane says the words, they do things to me—things no other man could ever make me feel and he damn well knew it as well, "I love you too, lover boy. Now, come on, they're probably waiting for us."

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