Chapter 05.

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CHAPTER 05: family

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Cassidy was meeting up with a friend from university—well, she didn't exactly feel that they were friends but were mostly civil with each other. Ever since the two started working, they've fought endlessly and to be honest, she now just got on Cassidy's last nerve these days. She appreciated her though and she was a familiar face to her in NYC.

Sat in a cafe that morning, Cassidy waited for her to arrive. She was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago and wasn't answering any of the texts or calls Cassidy had sent, which didn't surprised her because she knows she always get to the location first and then would make her wait as if she didn't choose to late at all.

A streak of brown hair caught Cassidy's attention and turning to the door, she saw Zoey in her jeans and a vest, which is quite the awkward outfit choice considering she was still wearing her work clothes. That same sweet but insensitive smile was on her face as she sat down in front of Cassidy in a rush.

"Sorry I'm late, Cassidy. You must've been here a while," she said, a small smirk on her face. The woman sat across her simply smiled sickly before nodding in response, taking a sip from her ice tea, "work is hectic these days."

"Yeah, it is." Cassidy only agreed to Zoey because they were on civil terms, but sometimes, the stuff Zoey said hurt more than she's insinuating, "how is working at the diner? Surely they would've raised wages by now."

Zoey worked at the local diner but always complained about the work. Going to university with her, Cassidy knew she was smart enough to get a really good well paying and stable job, but when she started working as a waitress, it surprised her. What happened to being a scientist? she thought sometimes, but being supportive meant she didn't bring it up.

The girl across Cassidy scoffed before rolling her eyes. There was a slight bitterness in the eyes Cassidy looked into as if she really couldn't stand anything she said. It was like what Cassidy said pissed her off whether it was a compliment of criticism about her attitude.

"Of course, they haven't. Anyway, why are you asking? It doesn't have anything to do with you," Zoey spoke, her tone sharp like knives, but Cassidy simply shrugged it off like it was a joke. She was used to the way Zoey spoke to her and yes, their friendship was toxic, but quite frankly, she felt sorry for her and wanted to support her in any way she could.

"Do you realise how self-conceited you sound right now? As your only friend in this city, I'm helping you—I even helped pay your bills for the last four months. If you have nothing better to do in your life but go out partying at night and hooking up with strangers then stop wasting my time." Cassidy sometimes had to be firm to get her point across to Zoey because she was just so thick in the head and only cared about herself.

"Why do you have to be so mean?" Zoey asked, her voice wavering a bit as Cassidy sat there, not fazed by the situation whatsoever. Unlike Zoey, she was realistic and told everything how it was. Meanwhile, Zoey lived in a small fantasy world that both and Cassidy know will never happen. The brown haired woman stared at her, eyebrows furrowed slightly in disbelief.

Optimism wasn't in Cassidy's dictionary and was more expectant of the failing and being realistic. If she succeeded then it was a great achievement, but that was all that there was to it. If she knew something would fail, she wouldn't hesitate to speak up about it.

"You think I'm being mean?" Cassidy spoke quietly, hand on her chest as she played with the straw in her ice tea. Her gaze snapped to Zoey, cold and bored which was hardly a surprise, "the world is mean, Zoey. You can't just talk to me like that or call me selfish or stuck up for being realistic."

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