Chapter 09.

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CHAPTER 09: misogynistic

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"Kelsey, I'm leaving for two hours. Fiona will be filling in for me whilst I'm gone so please give her my list of patients for today," I told her, handing her the clipboard with a list of names as I quickly signed out. Kelsey was moving around in her chair, sliding from one side of the desk to the other quickly. She gave me a simple smile and nod before I walked out quickly, rushing to my car as quick as I could before entering.

I shoved my bag next to me as I slipped my jacket off and got my perfume from the inside of my bag, spraying some lightly against my neck. Today was an annual meeting between all company bosses and it was the last one until the charity ball. Usually, nothing much is spoken about and I don't even know why one's been announced for today, but then again, it could be about Mr Archer. It usually always is.

His troublemaking antics could've attracted the attention of senior bosses from surrounding companies and therefore, anything he does could affect the reputation everyone upholds.

People like to categorise people into one section. For all of us, we're in the overseas trade and cruise industry. If one person makes a mistake, we all lose the valuable trust of our customers.

Personally, I thought it was a waste of time, but then again, I'm not officially a part of the industry, just born into a family who runs a company in it. However, it was good to have eyes and ears everywhere which leads to me actually attending the meetings so I don't miss out on anything.

As I drove out of the parking lot, I began making my way to Omega Industries where the meeting was to take place. Michael told me he was already there and waiting for me whilst I had the portfolio for planning in the seat behind me.

This charity ball was the nightmare of nightmares. Planning the guest list alone is difficult and then the seating arrangements is probably our biggest hurdle especially since most people disliked a certain Mr Archer. I was quite grateful that Liam helped out with that because that was the part I was most dreading doing.

Right, I would have to see him again because he's obviously attending the meeting. I can't shrug it off forever, but I also just can't address the fact this could be my first shot at happiness. I'm too broken for that. My past catches up to me one way or another and to drag Liam into it wouldn't be the best of ideas. We would only clash because I know underneath that kindness is someone he would rather not become.

Everyone has a secret they're not proud of. Liam has one, but I don't question it. It was always best to leave things as they were instead of digging up things we weren't proud of. I just knew there was something under that polite and charming exterior of his.

As I arrived, I could already see several other cars there, including some photographers and people stood outside the company with their cameras. A few more businessmen and women entered the building hurriedly and avoided the paps as much as they could.

Right, I have to get through that to go inside.

Before I left my car, I quickly retouched my lipstick before grabbing my portfolio and slamming the door shut, locking my car. It was awfully sunny today and quite hot that I'm not surprised everyone hurried in to avoid the heat. My jacket laid there discarded in the passenger seat as I made my way to the entrance, my heels clicking on the hot cement below my feet.

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