Chapter 40.

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CHAPTER 40: the missing costume

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I was warming up in my leggings that early afternoon, running through my dance whilst stretching

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I was warming up in my leggings that early afternoon, running through my dance whilst stretching. Reaching to the side, I touched the very point of my foot when Cynthia came into the room with a few bags and an excited smile on her face.

"We should start doing your hair," she spoke, placing the bags on the bench behind her, "what time is it—oh, where's Liam? He's meant to have your costume."

Cynthia sounded a lot like my father when he was stressed, unsurprisingly, of course because she wanted nothing but for everything to work my way today. After all, I'm not just dancing for myself anymore.

My chest warmed up at the thought of dancing for him, something I was so gleeful about yet nervous as anyone could tell from my slight shaking.

Cynthia and me used to dance together and it meant the world to her. Being on stage was what gave her comfort and knowing it was a passion of her's made it more enjoyable.

When she seated me in front of the mirror, she reached out for my brush, which was building up with hair between the bristles. Why is it that I shed so much hair? I thought, feeling how she grabbed a section of my locks and placed the brush through the strands numerous times. Each tangle soon disappeared like it was never there.

I caught her hazel eyes in the mirror and she offered me a small satisfied smile. She misses it—of course, she misses it and seeing me carry it on is what keeps her going. As long as I'm doing it, she would always be satisfied.

"I'll make you look even more of a queen on that stage," she mumbled quietly, placing her hands upon my shoulders, "I'll French braid your hair first before I pin it up, okay? For God's sake, where's that boyfriend of your's with that bloody costume?"

"Alright, alright, no need to shout." I caught a glimpse of Liam in the mirror, out of breath and a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. His brows were thrown together as he held in his hands my costume in one of those bag things, "I'll hang it up here, yeah?"

Cynthia nodded dismissively as she began on the braids, leaving behind a few stray strands to fix after. I decided to help her out because she was already in enough stress. Might as well tick off another thing on her to-do list.

I began my makeup, applying a small amount and blending it in and all the while, Liam watched curiously. Once I was done, I applied some contour followed by a small amount of blush to my cheeks.

The man soon made his way towards me and settled on a spare chair next to me. He cocked his head to one side like a curious puppy as he saw me grab my lip liner and begin on the outline of my lips.

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