Chapter 50.

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CHAPTER 50: bouncing baby

[i'm raising the mood slightly :)]

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"Michael, please let the rest of the family know—" another shout of pain shot through the air as I glanced behind me to see Sofia leaning forward against the kitchen island whilst her brows furrowed together, "Sof's having the baby so we'll be hea...

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"Michael, please let the rest of the family know—" another shout of pain shot through the air as I glanced behind me to see Sofia leaning forward against the kitchen island whilst her brows furrowed together, "Sof's having the baby so we'll be heading to the hospital. I'll meet you guys there."

"Of course, I'll let Cassidy know as well," he spoke to me through the line, "wishing you luck, man. You're about to be a dad."

That brought a grin to my face as I looked back at the woman who had been carrying my child in her womb for the past nine months or as she liked to say 'baking our little bun'. Out of all the pain that crossed in her features, she glanced to her side so her eyes met mine and a small smile covered her face. She was beautiful even with the sweat that built up on her forehead and the sheer amount of pain she was in.

"Thanks, Michael. I'll see you later." I dropped the call and rushed over to Sofia, my hand on her back as she cowered over and winced in pain once again. Her skin through her shirt was warm and her hair was beginning to stick to the back of her neck as I rubbed her back gently, "breathe, okay? Just breathe."

"What else am I meant to be doing—God, I fucking love you, Zane, but in moments like these, just shut up!" she exclaimed, yelling out once again before I went over to the couch where I left the bags for the baby.

I guided her out of the house and into the passenger seat just as she gripped tightly onto my arm from another contraction, causing me to wince on my own. Shit, her grip is tight, I thought as she shakily put her seatbelt on. I threw the bags into the backseat before heading straight to the driver's seat, putting my seatbelt on before I started the car up to the hospital.

With one hand on the steering wheel and the other gripping her hand, I tried to remain as calm as possible for her because I knew how scared she was to have the baby. I promised her I'd make sure she wasn't afraid even when I was terrified myself.

"—talk about someone—Cassidy, for example. It helps," she struggled out, gripping my hand as she placed a hand on her stomach soothingly, "I-I heard she's dating Liam. That's good—finally even. How was the dinner? She left early with him apparently."

Sofia groaned lowly before leaning her head back against the seat. I nodded, turning right once the light turned green.

"Yeah, they left quite rushed from the dinner, but I don't exactly know what happened." wincing, the woman squeezed my hand tightly again, "shit—baby, mind the grip, will you? I still have to drive us there."

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