Chapter 01.

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CHAPTER 01: introductions

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When someone told me that one day I'd be swarmed by paparazzi on my way to visit the family business' offices, I expected it

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When someone told me that one day I'd be swarmed by paparazzi on my way to visit the family business' offices, I expected it. What I didn't expect was to actually be swarmed by the paparazzi on my way to visit the family business' offices.

It was like visiting a daycare centre for puppies except they were annoying and not cute. And the questions were always the same.

"Miss, is it true your father's removed your mother from the will?"

"Cassidy, about your cousin Michael—"

"What do you think about your mother's removal from the hit TV show the NYC Dynasty?" that show? Don't even get me started, I thought, pushing my sunglasses further up my face in an attempt to block the camera flashes in comparison to the sun. I'd carried myself up the stairs to the building where the security guard let me in with his usual smile whenever he was on shift.

My mother's appearances—in anywhere really—gave me headaches, but especially on that damn show. As if her reputation couldn't become anymore ruined, more complaints came in that she was a complete bitch on set. Meanwhile, rumours spiralled around our own family. My father had an affair, my mother had an affair—which wouldn't surprise me—I never supported my mother during her show, my mom this, my dad that, blah, blah, blah.

This is what happens when I have a day off, I thought with a small smile, makes me wanna go in.

I could only thank the Lord that I never inherited the family business because truth be told, I was no way cut out for it whereas Michael had all the attributes that made him trustworthy enough to take over. However, it was a shame he never got over that one girl in high school because a lot of the time, he spends it waiting for her as if she might come back. I mean, she could? Who knows?

Heading over to the front desk, the receptionist quickly piped up, "oh, I'm sorry Miss Harrington, but Mr Harrington's in a meeting right now. If you want, you can just wait outside his office. He won't be long."

I nodded in response and thanked her before heading into the lift and pressing the button to the right floor. If I remembered correctly, his office was the one with the double wooden doors and the desk that stretched on for miles. I know that because it used to be his father's desk. There was little stuff on said desk that wasn't work except for a photo of us and the rest of our cousins and a Rubik's cube that he has yet to solve.

Once I heard the ding, I headed out of the lift as a few employees smiled at me before getting in themselves. There were a few rooms with clear glass windows before I could see Michael's office at the end of the hall. One conference room caught my attention and I paused, checking through the window to see Michael stood at the front and pointing to the projected picture on the screen. I noticed that Owen was also there, sat towards the back and rubbing his chin in thought.

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