Chapter 29.

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CHAPTER 29: passion in her bright eyes, sin in his

[you guys are gonna like this chapter ;) i can just feel it tehe]

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"I almost tripped over my own feet walking up that stage, you know?" I heard Nicole say as she attempted to fix the speaker after Jaxon tripped over the wire whilst getting a drink

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"I almost tripped over my own feet walking up that stage, you know?" I heard Nicole say as she attempted to fix the speaker after Jaxon tripped over the wire whilst getting a drink. As he attempted to help her, I walked over to the buffet table and got myself a shot of confidence for the night as I did for every party I've ever gone to.

We all returned to our houses or hotel rooms to change into clothes for the party and let's just say if I was still at the hands of my mother, she definitely would not have let me go out wearing this dress. I wanted to be daring tonight and wear what made me feel confident and apart from the fact my nails didn't really match with the dress, I'm perfectly content with what I was wearing.

My dress fit me just right, tight in all the right places and the perfect length for me to tease if I wanted to. It was a pale blue colour and had a low cleavage. I felt my hair tumble past my shoulders as I looked around at everyone here. I wasn't one to style my hair often and I only had it in extremely loose waves from my rollers earlier.

Nicole soon got the speaker up and a beat started thumping on the ground, vibrating beneath our feet as the first song started to play. It was slow, but also fast enough to dance to. I placed my drink down, no longer resisting the urge to fully enjoy myself with dancing tonight. I took full advantage of the music—as I should—before making my way onto the dance floor and beginning to sway to the music.

My hips swayed from left to right as I moved along with Nicole and Brielle. They both spun me around giggling before being pulled aside to their boyfriends. Well, don't you just love being single? I thought, but in reality, it was probably more exhilarating dancing by myself than with someone.

I moved my hands up from my waist, feeling my fingers flutter against the material of my dress as they hiked higher to move past my breasts and to the area of my neck. That shot of confidence I had earlier began to kick in as I fluttered my eyes shut and lifted my head up to expose the valley of my neck. I felt my fingers trace over the thin gold chain I had over my neck before heading down to the small diamond resting between the valley of my breasts.

When my eyes fluttered open, right in front of me and in my eye view, stood Liam, who was now dressed in a black button up shirt and black trousers. He had a drink in his hand as he watched me, eyes hooded over and dark like a lightning storm. His lips were on the rim of the glass when he eyed me dancing like a hawk. However, he never moved from his place, only remaining leaning against the wall away from others dancing—away from the attention.

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