Chapter 60.

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CHAPTER 60: the interview

[tw; talking about assault]

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What got me going this early Friday morning was partly the extra time I spent in bed with Liam this morning, but also the fact it was the day of the interview.

I thought I'd be more nervous than I anticipated even though I knew everything said would be nothing but the truth. It was more so the fact this would be one of the first interviews I've done this year. People rarely sent me invites onto talk shows or such jazz because they knew I'd reject them, but some still persisted with somewhat a bit of luck.

Liam drove me to where the interview was actually taking place and I entered the specific room I was told to go to. As the usual gentleman, he speeded ahead to open the door for me, but when my eyes met those of numerous others, I gulped. A force quite hard that if it wasn't for Liam's arm around my waist, I would've definitely stumbled over. It hit me like a slap in the face from reality.

"Ah, Miss Harrington!" a woman came up to me in an extremely cheery mood and I knew that she must be the one in charge. Her attire and the way she carried herself, so tall and elegant almost like a flamingo, "it's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name's Pamela Robinson and I'm extremely happy you decided to accept an interview with us. Please, follow me to your changing room."

After shaking hands with me and Liam, she started off and guided us around, showcasing the interview set, everything already set up and people rushing around to finish the final touches.

"We've heard about recent events and because of that, we hope to make your experience with us as welcoming as possible. It must be very hard for you." something about her tone told me she was being sincere, warming my heart slightly. It's the first time someone other than my family has been sympathetic to me. I never had a terrible experience with a company who wanted to interview me, but I wasn't welcomed either.

Every detail I gave was about my life and a lot of it I struggled to come to terms with and tell people so it didn't offer a great experience for me when I hardly felt secure with them. It felt more like a job—something I was entitled to do rather than something comforting and prideful.

"It is," I spoke with a small smile. Pamela led me around the set and all the while Liam followed quietly behind me. A sudden comparison of the man to a small puppy came to mind and if it wasn't for the fact Pamela got distracted talking to one of the staff, she would've assumed I was some weirdo.

Settling in, I asked Liam to help me pick an outfit for the interview. Most weren't too flashy but still were my style, which caused my happiness to skyrocket. They had the perfect outfits for me to try, I thought, holding up a sage green flowy dress.

"Don't you have something more extravagant? We're ruining your mother's reputation, right? Surely you want to dress for the occasion," the man spoke slyly. Oh, Liam, always the devil in my eyes. Dressing up for Summer's undoing is something I could only dream of doing and is something my seventeen year old self would've been like 'fuck yes!'

However, I didn't need to wear some flashy outfit to prove that she was over and done with and I was happy as hell because of it. Through my actions alone of accepting that interview and throwing her name in the dirt is surely enough to make her angry at my success. Her envy towards my happy life is enough to bring a smile to my face...

...because it'll always be a life she could never have. You can't lose and fear destruction to something you never had.

She may have been my mother, but she lost me as a daughter when she treated her own child like dirt. She may have been my father's wife, but she lost him the second she disrespected him and lied to him.

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