Chapter 33.

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CHAPTER 33: falling in love

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I knew when Cassidy's housekeeper called me on her phone that something was wrong and seeing her mother on that magazine only made me wonder if it had something to do with that

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I knew when Cassidy's housekeeper called me on her phone that something was wrong and seeing her mother on that magazine only made me wonder if it had something to do with that. However, the diamonds upon her neck looked awfully familiar to me like I'd seen them before and Russell was oblivious enough to not know what was going on yet exposed everything in one single sentence.

'Oh, hey, that looks like a necklace that Cassidy has.'

The man's never failed to surprise me, but upon realising everything, he managed to catch me up on what exactly he knew from information from other workers, which surprisingly was a lot. He overheard Michael on the phone when he went to see him this morning and apparently, Cassidy's mother stole her necklace and knowing how she is, she would so obviously go to her mother and get it back.

She wasn't scared of her and felt after so long of trauma that hardly anything put the fear of god into her. That's something I loved about her. I watched her get trodden on by everyone yet she was so strong and happy for the people who deserved it...but it never stops hurting, especially for her.

Cassidy is still that same isolated woman that she always had been even if she's opened up to me...

...and as I saw her stood at her door, her cheeks flushed red, my chest felt like it was going to burst. I heard her let out a shaky breath as she allowed a tear to flow freely down her right cheek before I walked in and closed the door behind us. I brought her into my arms, resting my face firmly in her hair and giving her a soft kiss.

"It's okay, Angel," I spoke quietly as she continued to sob softly into my chest. I wasn't at all worried about ruining my shirt because it wasn't like I couldn't wash them and there were bigger priorities right now, "you're okay."

Her crying was what pulled at my heartstrings, broken and melancholic to hear. Her body shook in my arms as I felt her fists tighten their grip around my jacket. I hated seeing her conflicted let alone upset and usually, I had a lot of patience when it came to certain people, but they've really started to test the limits of that.

The woman in front of me—so pure and strong compared to me—was so incredibly sad and I hated that. She had the guts to stand up to her mother and if I had done the same with my father, would I have become the monster that everyone hated—the person who regretted every year of his life from a child? Unlike me, Cassidy was anything but a coward and I wanted so badly to be everything she deserved and more.

"Come on, let's go." I pulled back to see her small confused face before I reached under her thighs and hoisted her up into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. She got comfortable in my arms as I felt her own wound round my neck. Slowly but surely, I got us into her kitchen and sat her down upon the couch by the window, which was rather difficult considering the angle I was carrying her at and how she didn't want to let go.

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