Chapter 12.

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CHAPTER 12: secret

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"Do you want me to drop you off at your office?" I averted my gaze to the man stood slightly behind me

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"Do you want me to drop you off at your office?" I averted my gaze to the man stood slightly behind me. Another meeting about the charity event to finish up the final details before we begin setting up in around two months. Zane didn't attend—as per usual—so Sofia attended instead. I was surprised to see a few of my aunts and their husbands attend as well, though because they never attended the other meetings.

It was utterly exhausting.

"No thank you, I brought my car here," I told him as he lead me to my car, looking around cautiously. He knew he didn't need to, but I wasn't stopping him so I let him do as he wished instead. I could feel his fingers graze against the backless part of my dress against the skin of my back as I finally got to the car door, "you really don't need to walk me to my car, you know."

His response was always 'I want to, though' and I've never met a guy who 'wanted' to do things for me or for my sake. They did those things because it was the obstacles they needed to overleap in order to get to me. Quite frankly, Liam doing this made me feel refreshed.

"Angel, you know by now that I want to do it." see? What did I tell you? I opened my car door and leaned upon the top of it, gazing up at him with a small smile, "I will see you soon, but I'm not sure when. It might not be until setting up for the night. That's alright with you, isn't it?"

"Why wouldn't it be alright, Liam?" I asked him, my voice quiet before I gave him one final smile when I saw him turn to look at me with slightly furrowed brows, "of course, it will be. It's not like anything bad will happen to me before I see you again. You shouldn't have to worry about me."

The last sentence came out in a small whisper, only for Liam specifically as I got into my car and gazed up at him finally. He was very clearly worried about me which surprised me, to be honest. No one's ever been this protective of me except Michael and Zane, but they were family and Liam is...well, Liam's...Liam's one of the only men in the city who cares.

"...if you say so," he spoke back to me before closing my door shut. I turned the engine on before rolling down my window and waving to him whilst reaching round for my seat belt, "be safe...and don't let Brett go anywhere near you. If he does, call me, okay?"

"Okay, okay—Liam, I'll be fine," I told him one final time before reversing my car from my parking space. Liam was stood there in his suit giving me a small wave in which I returned before I headed off back to the centre for my next shift.

After another day at work, I walked through my front door that evening, hearing sounds coming from the kitchen. Elaine's stern voice flowed through my ears which told me she was probably feeding my dog and cat. I quickly told her I arrived home and that I would be in my room if she needed me before heading upstairs. My hand glided over the banister before heading into my room and closing the door behind me.

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