Chapter 24.

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CHAPTER 24: good enough

[this chapter may trigger some people due to mention of Cassidy's assault so feel free to skip if you get uncomfortable :) ]

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I spent my day at work again, making sure I get as much work done before I head back to Summer View the week coming. Kelsey was already doing a lot so I didn't want her stressing out whilst I was gone.

As I typed away at the computer that later afternoon, the other staff were preparing to leave for today. Their conversations were easily drowned out by my quick typing upon the keyboard, but the slam of the door when they left overtook any noise I made. I was used to being the last one here finishing work, often being described as too hard working, but I didn't mind so much.

There was a knock on my door that made me look up suddenly to see Liam leaning on the door frame casually. I pulled myself back from my desk to smile at him at the door. The grin on his face, usually as crazy as the Cheshire cat was soft this time as he made his way into my office.

Shadows danced upon my plain walls as the sun was beginning to set over the city buildings, the warm light covering just about everything with an orange glow, including my desk in which I stood up and walked over to the other side to sit upon the wood. Liam stalked towards me before lifting my hand up as he usually did and peppering the back of it with kisses.

This was a regular occurrence between us now. He often came to visit me during my work days to check on me, not that I minded because the company felt good. It was Liam, though. He's been worried about me since the day we met.

His eyes flickered up to meet mine before he stood up straight again after dropping my hand gently at my side again. I was still sitting slightly on my desk, not paying any mind to the papers I was potentially crumpling so he looked a little bit taller than usual compared to me. I watched his hand wrap around the top of his tie by his collar and lightly tug at it, my teeth biting into my bottom lip.

"Why are you here?" I spoke quietly, averting my eyes elsewhere and to the window to watch the shine of the sun against the skyscrapers near me. Golden rays as beautiful as the necklace I had around my neck covered every building in a sheet of warmth.

"I came to see you." I sometimes forget why I ask in the first place if I know the response is always the same.

It's always for me. It always has been, which makes it hurt for me even more.

Ever since I last saw Cynthia, I haven't stopped thinking about Liam. At this point, it was beginning to overwhelm me with emotion, bringing back memories I didn't want to bring back. Every time I saw his face, there was nothing I could do to stop the oncoming headache that would form.

There wasn't an explanation for the way I felt, but I just did. Whenever I looked at him now since that night at the charity ball, all I felt was my head remind me of exactly why I didn't associate with many men let alone fall for them. Liam was so different, though and I tell myself that even if in my head I know I would probably never fully trust him.

"You're a busy man so I don't see why you're spending your time coming to see me." I stood up and moved around him to reorganise the books and magazines of my previous patients. There was an empty glass that was left previously by my last patient. I had been meaning to clean up before leaving, but it seems Liam decided to pay me a visit before I was done with work.

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