Chapter 56.

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CHAPTER 56: another woman?

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Jordan quite optimistically went inside to make himself some food whilst the rest of us were outside, fawning over baby Zara—who was now lying peacefully in my arms.

She was a small baby and had the faintest of a blush upon her cheeks and the end of her little nose. Her fingers gripped hard on the fabric of my shirt, but she simply just slept soundly, her blue sheep teddy in her other hand.

"Cassie, didn't you hear? Your father's been getting awfully cosy with Sofia's new assistant," Michael said next to me, tapping me gently on the arm as Leanna walked into the kitchen with some paperwork.

"What?" I whispered in disbelief, my jaw dropping slightly and I immediately felt like the teenager who used to get told any gossip at school, "No, shut up, since when? Leanna?"

In the back of my mind, I always knew there was something going on between them. As a child whenever I visited my aunt Jennifer's house, Leanna used to work there as one of the housekeepers and secretary and he'd often conversed with her. That was the first time I'd actually seen my father so happy. I never held a grudge against her for having a relationship so close with my dad and in all honesty, I adored her to pieces.

Leanna was punctual, good at her job and liked us throughout our years of knowing her. She wasn't the type to be stuck up and hate children and she put my father into some ideal world where he married someone who genuinely appreciated having him around.

"What are you three gossiping about now?" Jordan piped up, holding in his hand a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as he settled back in his chair next to Sofia.

"Oh, count me out on this. That's all them," she muttered quietly, pointing to us at the table, "I'll be right back. I just need to get Zara's milk ready for her, but by all means, carry on talking about my assistant like you're our aunts."

With a laugh, the woman headed inside, leaving me in the care of her child.

"Who? Leanna? Oh yeah, he's always here now—coming purely just to see her since she got hired by my brother," Jordan spoke, biting into his food, "I heard them flirting the last time I came here—never again will I want to be a witness of that. He's smitten, trust me."

I could understand completely why he'd like her so much. She was everything in a woman my father couldn't have. I still remembered as a child how she'd sneak me a few toffee candies whenever I visited my aunt Jennifer. I think father caught onto what was going on, but he never brought it up in conversation.

"Oh my god, I have to see this for myself," I spoke in disbelief. Well...he has been visiting a lot. Zane and Sofia both told me that so I guess I should've expected it. My father wasn't really himself with babies by which I mean, he's awkward and enough so that he avoids even going a metre near a baby as if it were the plague.

He loved Zara, of course, but he minimised the amount of holds he has of her. Babies just...didn't fit his vibe.

"Apparently, he's coming by in about twenty minutes," Jordan said, causing my brows to furrow together in concern. When I glanced over to Michael, he as well looked worried, a brow arched before turning his head to me.

How does he know that?

"How the hell do you know that?" Michael retorted, but the boy just shrugged sheepishly.

"I may or may not have heard them talking on the phone," he started, but quickly realised how wrong that sounded so rushed out, "but I wasn't eavesdropping. I was walking past because Zara lost her sheep toy and Sofia had me all over the house searching for it."

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