Chapter 44.

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CHAPTER 44: when anger fuels lust

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I'd spoken to the secretary when I arrived at Brett Archer's company. There was a conference that Brett was in charge of hosting and since I was back, I wanted to see what it was all about.

Zane asked me to collect some supplies whilst I was out and deliver it to him at the meeting. Though it was rather inconvenient to my shopping trip, I did owe him after I'd thrown cake at him during the baby shower.

"Miss Bishop, it's been a while," a voice spoke from behind me as glanced around the office, feeling familiar eyes upon me. A smirk made its way to my lips as I turned around to face Brett.

Last time I saw him, we had a score to settle and it only got worst when I found out he was dating Priscilla. Two of the most hated people in my books together to ruin all of our lives.

"Mr Archer, I see you haven't changed one bit," I told him, arching a brow at the way he looked. I'd never stoop so low to judge someone's looks, but Brett? I think that speaks for itself, "still looking as repulsive as the day I left."

"Oh, Cynthia, still as feisty, I see." see? This is why I hate men. However, I put a smile on and walked past him, feeling the sudden tension that increased in the room when my eyes landed upon the very same woman who'd tested my patience since I got back.

Priscilla Mason.

Silently, I walked away in the direction of the elevators before making my way up to a conference room. Getting my phone out, I quickly scrolled down to Zane's number before calling him.

"Hello? I'm in the elevator. You want me to drop the supplies off?" I asked him, holding the phone to my ear when the elevator door suddenly stopped at a floor. The doors opened and I looked up to see Russell—who like me, was also on the phone to someone—in his usual pressed suit, "I'll be there in a minute—oh, I also have your lunch. Sofia asked me to drop it off when I visited her."

"Yeah, I'll be up there in a minute," Russell said next to me as the doors closed, "would you like me to reschedule this afternoon's meeting with Mr Bowers? He said he might be here a while after the meeting."

"No, no, I was talking with the secretary. I ran into Brett."

"I spoke with Mr Archer." I glanced to the side before cocking my head to one side as he continued to speak on the phone. Two conversations happening at the same time are never easy to manage, I thought.

I hadn't spoken to Russell in a while and he hasn't tried to talk to me since I last saw him. Though he was nothing but kind to me, I've never let myself get so close to anyone. I looked at the men in my life since I was a kid and wondered how any woman could marry people like them.

Money and reputation, of course. When I grew up, love seemed almost impossible, but I saw Zane fall for Sofia. He said so himself to me that I had to stop being so closed off.

...but I looked at Russ and I saw every other man. I had near to zero faith that there was someone out there who could change my perspective and I'd rather spend my days lonely than get married to someone who did nothing but ruin my life.

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