Chapter 06.

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CHAPTER 06: invitation to dinner with the mystery man

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"Cass, you left quite panicked yesterday

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"Cass, you left quite panicked yesterday." I groaned in annoyance, my hands covering my face in embarrassment as me and Michael walked around the garden. He led me down the path to the gazebo to talk privately, "so you complimented a guy. It's not like you're in love with him or anything. Although, I'm quite surprised it was Liam."

That caught my attention. Liam's a great guy and he shows that to everyone he works with. The world admits that he's hard working, good looking and worked his way up in the business world from scratch. I couldn't quite understand why Michael would be surprised and I'm reminded of the town hall talk I did.

When I glanced at the men that day, they did all look like they were hiding something. They would've preferred not to tell me, but that just made me want to know more. Not much is actually known about Liam's life or past, but his great accomplishments and charity work makes up for that.

"Why? To every person I talk to, they have great things to say about him," I spoke, eyeing my cousin cautiously and hoping to get an answer out of him. He must've sensed me looking at him because he averted his attention to me, but I know it's harder than it seems to actually get an answer out of him.

"If you want to know, you'll have to ask Liam himself because I know as close to nothing when it comes to that guy's life. All I know is he's one of the only men who I can actually trust when it comes to business," Michael spoke back as we headed into the gazebo and sat down on the wooden bench, "just a small warning though, Cass."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes before crossing my arms over my chest and breathing in the scent of the flowers that grew in the garden. I felt like I should know Liam, but I really didn't; the man wasn't familiar to me in any way even with the feeling in the my gut.

"It's not like he was some psycho killer, Michael." I let out a small laugh and turned my head to see Michael with a forced smile on his face. It was extremely obvious as well and he didn't do much to hide it. What is with this guy? I thought before shrugging his behaviour off, "anyway, I heard Brielle's starting her exams next week. It's been months since I last saw her—I mean, obviously I call her and video call her, but it's not really the same."

I was going to see her at her graduation because I know she's busy studying before then and also because she doesn't know. All of us were coming back to Summer View for a day or two to celebrate Brielle's graduation and to also catch up. To be honest, I was curious to see what everyone looked like and I know it's only been a few months or up to a year since I last saw everyone, but people can change a lot within a year. My sixteen year old self should know.

Kelly was pursuing a career in singing, but she doesn't live in Summer View anymore. She's currently bunking with her roommate from college. Meanwhile, Darren's in Summer View, helping out with the gang and at the local mechanics. He didn't really have the same ambitions as Kelly did, but they did try to maintain a good relationship...which didn't exactly end well. They ended it because of the distance and even if they said they were on good terms, Owen would say that Darren was often in a bad mood when he spoke to him.

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