Chapter 48.

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CHAPTER 48: worth it all

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Do you ever feel like you're listening to something that you definitely should not be listening to? Yeah? Because same and I wanted nothing more in this moment than to just step out and surprise the two in whatever the hell they were talking about.

However, my stupid curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to know what they would talk about if I wasn't there with them so I stayed put in my place. My curiosity will kill me one day, I just know it.

She had asked him a simple question, but even then, the simplest questions can be complicated within themselves and also have the most complicated answers. Yes, we were screwing, but it was more than just that.

It was the morning texts we sent to each other, the quiet dinners together at our places, his fingers tracing along my spine to my birthmark near my neck and the endless kisses and reassurance that he gave me. It was...stability, but in the most chaotic way possible that it was difficult to explain. Whatever 'it' is, it was our love. Nothing in the world could change the way we felt about one another because it was special to us and meant a lot to us.

Liam didn't say a word, though and a characterless laugh followed after from the woman. It seemed like she was expecting it, but she hardly believed it when she found out it was true.

"So you are having sex with her," she started, "next thing you know, you're in love with her—"

When I peeked round the corner, I noticed her pause in her place when she caught sight of the man's face. I wasn't afraid of what she could possibly say until the smirk appeared on her face.

"Oh—my God, you really think you're in love with her. Well, let me tell you now, this isn't love." because how would she know? I thought, mentally snorting as I physically felt my jaw clench at the sight of the two of them together, "there's a difference between love and sympathy and trust me, you don't love her."

Well, ouch. That kind of hurt.

...but yet, he hasn't...said anything to her back. I mean, he doesn't have to, but is he really that speechless about it all?

"Because how could you possibly love someone like her—"

"Shut up, Priscilla," he snapped suddenly and it was like the air had shifted, growing extremely heavy to the point where a knife can be used to cut right through it. When Liam spoke like that, it was always the same effect. The atmosphere would cool and grow thick in tension until someone did something to relieve it. That's why his employees feared him when he was angry.

"That woman is exactly like her mother and you don't even realise it. Everything about her links back to the woman who raised her." and there it is again. That stabbing pain in my heart that ran through my bones, "fate doesn't care that she despises her mother because either way, she's becoming like her. That same hated, spiteful, selfish person and you seriously love her? God, you can't make anymore of a fool of yourself."

Say something. Please say something, I thought to myself.

Please tell her she's wrong—tell her that I'm nothing like that...please.


Why isn't he saying anything?

God, it was so silently loud, my heart practically thundering in my chest as the aching silence continued on until I was almost concerned that she'd done something to him, but no.

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