Chapter 59.

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CHAPTER 59: Ripley and Cara, two animals capable of world domination

[another filler chapter because i just can't get the interview chapter right and my series layout's having an identity crisis :P ]

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We occupied ourselves at my place, settling for lunch as Elaine had gone out to do some grocery shopping.

For once, Cara was home, sitting upon the marble countertop with her tail by her side. She was staring at me contently—or more so, Liam, growing rather curious as to who he was.

On the other hand, Ripley was passed out on the floor, lying on his back with his tongue poking out slightly. If it wasn't for the fact he shifted around in his sleep, I'd have a scare every time I'd think he's dead.

"Look at my pretty girl," I cooed lightly, stroking Cara on the head as I passed her. Sudden purrs escaped from the cat, eyes closing in satisfaction as her head moved closer to my hands as possible, "you not going out today? Is it because there's a handsome man in the room? What do you think? He's good, isn't he?"

'Meow' is all she said, but I knew what she meant. Everyone falls in love with Liam that it was almost gut-wrenching to think about.

The Russian blue jumped from the countertop onto the ground, walking around my kitchen before randomly flopping down near Ripley, rolling around and waiting for some belly rubs.

Liam had walked in after finishing some business in my front room, entering the kitchen in just his work shirt, the first few buttons undone and sleeves rolled up.

Whew, what a sight, I thought, eyeing him up as I finished chopping some potatoes up into chunks. However, he was oblivious, seeing the waiting cat on the ground and bending down to give her some belly rubs like she asked.

And he's good with animals.

"How was the work?" I asked him as he sat on the ground and picked up my cat to place her on his lap. Her small content smile and meow honestly made my day.

"Good, I guess. Something's up with Russell, though."

"Oh?" unsurprising because I read somewhere he hasn't been seen at high-end clubs these past few weeks. I assumed him and Liam were wrapped up in business to be having some time for leisure, "how so?"

The man absentmindedly provided the cat with some gentle scratches under her chin, her eyes closing in relaxation as I busily finished chopping up the vegetables for our food, "he's been distracted and not himself. I suggested he go out for the night and meet someone, but he actually suggested against it."

Now that doesn't sound like Russell at all. A man who connected with any woman he'd meet suddenly going off of that idea means they've enveloped themselves in a situation they can't get themselves out of.

"I asked him if something was wrong and he said 'it's nothing' and that it was only the 'usual girl problem'." see? What'd I tell you? Maybe the infamous Russell Harris has fallen in love. Props to the woman who managed to change his heart, though.

As I checked on the beef cooking, Liam had dropped Cara down next to Ripley and came over to help me out. We made lunch and sat at the dining table to eat, the first few minutes peaceful until Ripley woke up from his slumber.

He'd rolled over, nearly landing on Cara and it was something that made her annoyed at the dog, swatting at him but still following his lead around us like some sharks to their prey.

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