Chapter 28.

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CHAPTER 28: worth it

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"Michael, hurry up. We're going to be late!" I shouted, banging against his bathroom door in his hotel room. Giving me access to his room probably wasn't the best idea to him right about now, I thought as I paced up and down before I heard the him unlock the door.

"Patience, woman," he spoke in a panic as I arched a brow at his state. The man was wearing his outfit and shaving. I can see only one possible outcome of this situation and I don't like it. He had shaving cream all over the bottom of his face, some water dripping into the sink in front of him, "we still have an hour—"

"But Brielle wants us there early and I don't feel like walking in there and everyone just looks at us because we're late," I explained to him as he rolled his eyes, "so hurry up and for the love of God don't hurt yourself while shaving."

"Keep shouting at me like that and I probably will!" he barked back at me as I went over to his kitchen area and sat down on one of the stools. This day was very important to our friends and I wanted it to go perfectly for them with absolutely no setbacks, but to be honest, I'm probably worrying more than they are, "right, just let me get my socks and shoes. The keys are on your right so do you mind grabbing them?"

My eyes flickered over next to me where a black car key sat in which I immediately grabbed. I watched at my cousins walked out whilst dabbing his chin dry with a towel and chucking it over a chair.

He definitely took his sweet time getting his socks and shoes on, but we were soon out of the door and into the elevator going down to the car park. We were borrowing Jaxon's car whilst we were here because he was staying at Mr and Mrs O'Mars' house so he was allowed to borrow their car as well.

After getting lost for nearly ten minutes, we finally found the car and had made it to the car park of the college. I could see parents had dropped their kids over to the graduation. They all headed up the steps, but swerved around to the back of the school where the graduation would take place. A lot of them I recognised from when I went to SVA, but some of them I had never seen before, probably out of state students.

Me and Michael were soon on our way around the back of the school. He was walking a few steps ahead of me as I simply followed behind him. At least we weren't the last people, I thought, relieved that I wouldn't have to go through that social awkwardness.

A voice suddenly called my name, causing me to pause on the step I was on before turning around. My eyes drifted over the people walking up the steps until they landed on Brielle's mother dressed in a plain beige dress. She was smiling up at me brightly, waving in my direction as I grinned back at her.

"Cassidy, it's been so long—oh, look at you. All grown up," she spoke, looking at me properly with a small chuckle, "so is Michael. He looks so handsome."

"Thank you, Miss Alistair," I said before pointing at her, "you look great too. I hope life is treating you well because honestly, you deserve it."

I quickly averted my attention to Michael who was stood at the top of the stairs and waving down at us when he sees Layla. She waved back politely before looking back at me. There was something about her now that made her seem happier. Of course, I know she is, but it really showed this time and I bet Brielle is thrilled to see her mother have everything she deserves.

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