Chapter 17.

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CHAPTER 17: the final preparations

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"Put another chair there and don't forget to put those golden streamers up as well," I spoke, finishing the final adjustments to the venue for the night

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"Put another chair there and don't forget to put those golden streamers up as well," I spoke, finishing the final adjustments to the venue for the night. Everything was laid out as perfectly and beautifully as I could manage by myself. Everyone else had gone back to the offices and I said I'd be able to finish up for them.

The orchestra's instruments laid there, ready for their debut on the night and each table was covered in a white tablecloth with a small vase with flowers in the centre. Each table had around eight seats with a piece of card with people's names written upon them.

It was mostly people and other members of their families involved in the businesses that sat on the same table as them. I knew I was sitting with Zane and Sofia on the night because we were family, but there was a lot of us that were coming to the event. Chances are, Michael might sit with his parents and some workers from his company.

Things were just about right for the night and as I checked the time, I almost dropped my phone upon realising I was behind schedule. I had to try on my dress for the night and Elaine was most probably waiting for me at my house. Knowing her, she probably got my whole outfit ready for when I would return.

I quickly finished up my jobs and gave the final details and adjustments for the night to one of the staff members working on organising. Grabbing my bag from the side, I headed out of the building and into the busy streets to my car which was parked on the sidewalk waiting for my arrival.

I drove fast—maybe not fast enough—but I made it back to my house. Elaine wasn't in a rush or panicking when I arrived, but instead, she was carefully polishing the frame of one of the pictures I had in my hallway. Her head turned in my direction when I entered through the door and with that usual happy grin, she welcomed me in.

"Madam, there you are," she spoke cheerfully, linking her arm in mine as she led me up the stairs one at a time, "I have your dress ready for you and I hope you don't mind me putting the whole outfit together so you could test what goes with what."

Elaine was quite literally the best person and supporter I could have in my life. She cared about a lot of things and she cared a lot and I adore her ability to work for me because I was a picky person. Some decisions I make are down to Elaine and her ability to list all the pros and cons.

However, she does sometimes worry that she's somehow contributed to my choices negatively and that I'd regret them, but in which case, I would simply reassure her that what she's done to help me was very much adequate. The woman always treaded carefully, worried that she may lose her job if she loses her footing slightly, but I know she has a job here for life if she wants it. I'd never fire her.

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