Chapter 49.

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CHAPTER 49: the story of the scar

[this is where it's gonna get a bit sad:( ]

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I still felt it. Her lips and fingers upon my skin like she harshly scalded me. I drove me and Cassidy back to my apartment but still I shook as I drove us back. Every inch of my being felt guilty beyond belief for even letting her near me because when I saw the way Cassidy looked at us, waves of nausea hit me one by one until I felt like falling.

Because the kiss meant nothing and I pushed her away the second her lips were on mine.

Our ride back was silent as I only heard her sniffling in the backseat, which quietened down to soft snores. The poor woman had worn herself out from tonight's events and had rested her head back against the back of the seat.

Nothing in life was always simple. Relationships certainly weren't, but Andrew always said that was what made them special because if you can get through any rough patch with your partner, who's to say you're relationship won't last?

Everything that happened tonight was just a small obstacle that me and Cassidy needed to overcome. I knew that she would find it difficult in particular, but I had high hopes that she would pick herself back up again as she's always done. She wasn't the kind of person to easily give up, especially when it was something she yearned for.

Personally, I was optimistic, but when I noticed her in the backseat when we arrived, I began to think I was stretching it a bit. She looked exhausted—unsurprisingly—and I could tell that it couldn't have just been the events of tonight that triggered her crying. God forbid what else she's been going through the past few weeks leading up to tonight.

Cassidy deserved every ounce of happiness that could be offered to her. She'd spent most of her life running and standing up for herself; the woman needed peace from everything that's happened and is happening.

I carried her all the way to my apartment and settled her in my bed where she hardly stirred at all. Across my room, I made my way to my wardrobe where I grabbed one of my shirts and stripped Cassidy of her dress and placed her gently into the shirt.

There was a part of me that just wanted her to not wake up—at least not soon—because we'd talk or potentially argue and I just wanted her to relax for a while without worrying about anything. Of course, sooner or later, we'd have to talk, but that definitely wasn't the best idea, right now.

"We'll talk tomorrow, angel. You just rest for now," I whispered before pressing a soft kiss into her hair, stroking her head before I headed out to the front room, leaving the door slightly open in case Cassidy awoke in the middle of the night. My jacket was thrown onto the couch along with my tie from the evening.

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