Chapter 03.

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CHAPTER 03: just the two of them

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"I just feel so restricted when I'm around him. He doesn't support what I do a-and I love him. I really love him, but I'm trapped. It's not good for my mental health and I feel so drained from it..." I listened to my patient that afternoon when a knock on my door made me pause and look up from my notes. Outside was the receptionist with a serious look on her face.

"Miss, someone's requesting to see you on the phone," she spoke and I sighed, rubbing my temple before my brows furrowed together, "he said it's really important."

"Can it wait? I'm currently in the middle of a session," I spoke before she nodded, heading out and shutting the door behind her. When I turned back to my patient, she was drying her tears dry and I gave her a small smile, "so, where were we? Oh, yeah, so your partner doesn't support your ambitions and your dreams. Honey, there are many important aspects to a relationship and one is support. You both need to support each other's aspirations otherwise you'll feel as if you're being dragged down."

"Yes, that's exactly what it feels like. Look, he lost his job a few weeks ago and since then hasn't been the most sane person ever, but that doesn't mean he can't support me, right?" I nodded in response before checking through my notes and speaking.

"It says you've had a bad history with love," I started as she nodded, "struggling in love is tough which means your self worth may decrease, but you need to remember that your worth comes first before anything else. If what he's doing is dragging you down with him and it's making you mentally suffer, you need to find your priorities and do something to make yourself happier. I presume it may not be the easiest choice, but your happiness comes first. Never forget that."

"T-Thank you, Miss Harrington. It's been nice to speak to someone about my problems. A-After all, all my friends are outside of the state and I can hardly speak with them, but coming here today has lifted the weight off my shoulders." I smiled at her, guiding her by her back as she sniffles slightly.

"Of course and you know you can book an appointment or speak with one of our staff on the phone if you're ever in trouble. I'm glad you feel better Miss Sullivan and don't forget, you're good enough," I spoke as I opened my door to let her out. She thanked me once again before leaving.

I headed out to the front desk and Kelsey handed me the telephone. An unknown familiarity filled me as I listened to the person's voice. Hm, I feel like I've heard this voice somewhere before, I thought.

"Good morning, Cassidy," a deep voice spoke on the other line. My brows furrowed together slightly in confusion and slight irritation. When are people going to realise this number is used for patients only?

"Good morning, are you booking an appointment?" I asked, trying to remain as nice as possible. The man simply chuckled, his voice echoing loud enough that Kelsey could hear. She simply shrugged in response, turning her chair so she could get and go to the printing room.

"No, but I would like to speak with you. Your cousin said you knew people in the industry. The ones who you're meant to look out for and the best associates to have." what the fuck is he talking about? I clenched my jaw before releasing a cough.

"If you're not booking an appointment, please don't call this number. It's for the patients' use only." before I could put the phone down, the man quickly exclaims to me. I paused before sighing, holding it back to my ear.

"Don't. Look, I'm sorry, I thought you knew me. It's Liam—Liam O'Connor. Michael introduced us to each other at your talk?" he spoke, hoping I knew who he was. I bit my lip, feeling amused by the whole situation.

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