Chapter 19.

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CHAPTER 19: steer clear of trouble

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It was when Michael had waved Liam over that Cassidy turned around slightly to see the man stood there, still in awe and with a tight chest. His heart hammered wildly before he even gathered the slightest bit of courage to walk over to them. Gulping hard, he dug his hand into his pocket and made his way towards the two, suddenly feeling light.

There was no way he could be impolite so ignoring them wasn't and option—not that he was thinking of it, of course—but it was walking past the young women who tried to get his attention that made him feel even more awkward. He never cared for them, not when there was a woman as beautiful as Cassidy in his eye view yet he still felt their eyes digging into his soul.

He himself tried to make a good impression by dressing up well tonight. His suit was new, having been bought three days before and the dark locks of hair he sported was gelled back, which was something he wasn't greatly comfortable with. The man even took the liberty to buy new cuff links, but also partly because he couldn't find the ones he used to wear at events with Andrew back in Summer View.

"Liam, nice to see you tonight. You're lucky you arrived after me because you missed the grilling my parents gave me for being late," Michael told Liam, shaking his hand before patting him lightly on the shoulder, "all I can say is that we did a pretty damn good job with this event."

"I agree and it was all worth it," agreed Liam before he averted his attention to the woman listening contently. He reached down to grab her hand in his before shaking it lightly, knowing she might get uncomfortable if he kissed her hand, "it's really good to see you again, Cassidy. I've missed your voice."

The woman gave a shy smile as she stared up at Liam through her lashes. It was guaranteed the blush on her cheeks intensified and every single thing she said to Jordan had flown out of the window, but could anyone blame her? Out of all the women in the room asking for his attention, he chooses her.

"I-It's good to see you too," she spoke, stuttering from the statement. Her nerves had started to kick in, often ensuring her eyes never stayed in the same place for more than a second. That firecracker of a woman had melted into something more emotional and...fluffy inside—like a marshmallow.

The evening went on and so did the conversations. There was rarely any talk of business and more about the graduation in Summer View where all of them were going. Cassidy wondered if Liam was going to be joining them at the party they'll be having or staying at the estate, but he soon clarified that he would try to make it to every event.

Liam coming to their party wouldn't be a problem to anyone...except probably Darren and Jaxon. They were both extremely hostile even now, but when they knew the limit, they stopped and instead, stuck together to 'brainstorm' as they called it.

Even with the hostility between some of the boys, parties were still extremely exhilarating. High school parties—where it was spin the bottle and controlled alcohol consumption—had turned into snogging random people and a big supply of tequila or vodka by the time of college. Not to mention, the endless amount of trouble people get into when drunk and the crazy things they end up doing.

Cassidy never really experienced that, though. Most of her university days were spent studying and helping Michael on some work, but that was pretty much it. On the rare occasions her roommates dragged her out of their dorm to a party was one of the only times she ever left her desk.

It was something that didn't seem useful to her. The woman had no reason to go to those parties seeing as she didn't bother to make new friends in her classes. Her roommates were her only friends then, but after leaving and graduating, they all moved across the states or to another country. After that, they barely spoke, often texting to check in and that was it.

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