Chapter 27.

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CHAPTER 27: we meet again

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Shouting is all I remember as me and Michael headed to the country club that afternoon where everyone surrounded one of the biggest tables on the balcony and staircase that headed down to the open grass and fountain. Brielle and Owen were already there along with Coco and Jaxon.

"Well, look who's decided to join us," Jaxon spoke as he looked up to see us heading towards them. The others got up and practically stampeded to us like a bowling ball, nearly knocking me and Michael off our feet, "didn't think you were coming what with work and everything."

"What, and miss this? Our friends' graduations? No way—we had to alter a few things and argue with some people, but it's all worth it to be here. Come on, a proper hug this time," I said to him before pulling him in for a proper welcoming hug that doesn't involve me nearly being knocked out, "I missed you guys so much."

"We missed you two as well, Cassidy." I opened my eyes to see Chloe stood there awkwardly. Her hair no longer contained the fiery streaks of bright colour and was back to her original dark brown hair, trimmed and flowing down to her elbows. She was wearing a floral square collar top with short sleeves and boyfriend jeans with a belt around her waist.

That same smile she gave us was one I could tell was aimed mostly at Michael. I think everyone could tell. When I looked back at my cousin, he was in utter awe with the woman stood in front of him, the same glow in his eyes coming back to life yet the expression on his face never changed like stone.

I elbowed him lightly and gave him a pointed look. Smile at her, I told him in my head, hoping he would hear me. His eyes flickered down to me before he gulped, looking back over to Coco, who was now helping Nicole hand out drinks from the bar.

"Come on, you goof." I pulled him along with me, my hand through his arm as we headed over to the group properly. Nicole was quick to pull me into a conversation of our own whilst Michael was quickly hauled in by Jaxon, his arm around his neck.

There were many things left unsaid since we were last here, one being Michael and Coco. What I would give for someone to push them towards each other and say 'now kith'. I could tell the guilt was slowly consuming the man whilst that girl stood there unaware of how he was fighting with himself.

She was hopeful and he was not.

If that doesn't cause them to clash over what they want, I don't know what will.

I said I would be right back and that I was just getting myself a drink, but Coco insisted she buy me one instead so off she went, which allowed me the chance to ask how she was doing. Ever since we got to the other end of the table, I had noticed the few glances she gave to my cousin and she wasn't very slick. I could tell she wanted to speak to him about something.

"So..." I started as Nicole took a sip of her drink. She paused and placed the glass back onto the table before turning to me, "how is she? Since we left? I know she was very upset the last time she saw Michael."

Brielle soon joined us on a spare seat as Nicole hummed. Resting her arm on the table, she mixed the ice around in her drink with the black straw. The blonde haired woman drank peacefully from her's whilst listening in on our conversation.

"She was upset. Very upset. Even her mother was worried." oh, that's not good, I thought, "but then she got better. Michael said he would call her and he didn't, but even if we could all tell she was expecting that call, she didn't show it. Chloe didn't want to be upset about it so she enrolled in fine arts and distracted herself of work and work, but she missed him."

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