Chapter 45.

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CHAPTER 45: fear

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Liam picked me up from work as he normally did nowadays

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Liam picked me up from work as he normally did nowadays. I got into the passenger seat next to him, turning to feel him press his lips against my own, tongue grazing against my bottom lip.

There was an air of lightness upon him; I noticed it in his shoulders as well, how they weren't so stiff anymore. The smile on his face, relaxed and even in the way he drove through the city with one hand casually on the wheel. It flowed across the leather whilst the thumb of his other hand skimmed lightly over the skin on my thigh.

"You seem cheerful today," I spoke to him as he paused at a red light. His smile only broadened as he glanced over to me, "something good happen at work? Or are you just happy to see me?"

He chuckled lightly at that.

"A bit of both," he said, "I'm ahead of schedule for once so I have a lot of free time now and Russell can take a break, but yes, I'm also very happy to see you."

"Well, that's good to hear." I grinned up at him as the light turned green once again, causing him to continue driving down the dark roads of the night. From the lack of city lights and bustling streets, I knew we were close to his place now. There were still a few people out, a small group of college students walking around, small exclaims coming from some of them, "I'll cook dinner tonight, if you don't mind. Afterall, you must be tired from work."

"So are you, though, right? You're coming to my house and it would only be rude of me to let you cook." I watched him maneuver into the parking lot and into his usual parking spot as I gathered my things in my hands. We always alternated on whose house we'd be spending time at and since he stayed at mine a few days ago, he wanted me to stay over at his place.

I'd grown familiar to the scent of Liam's apartment, comforting and warm after a hard day's work even if it spends most of the day from lacking people walking upon the wooden floors. The curtains in his room weren't drawn back, only a small gap of moonlight entering the otherwise dark space.

However, the reason why I'd suggested to make dinner was because I wouldn't get distracted from someone else's...assets. Liam was far too busy in close proximity to me that he hardly wanted to even check the fridge for any food. I had to practically pry him away from me, reminding him that if he said he wanted to cook tonight then he should probably do some actual cooking.

He wasn't the best cook, often nearly slicing a finger off when chopping the vegetables, but we managed under my supervision. His internal struggle of getting everything completely perfect seemed to overwhelm him as he began to stir everything together.

"Calm down, big boy. We're at your house, not a five star restaurant," I muttered to him, leaning up to press a kiss on his jaw. He chuckled lightly at that and I noticed the way his shoulders relaxed when I glanced back. Figuring it was partly me over his shoulder, I went back to the couch and settled myself upon it before fumbling for my phone in my bag.

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