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Thank you all so much for reading LOVING THE DEVIL! I appreciate any support on my stories and I love and always will love how enveloped people get with my story! :)

When I first started writing this book, I honestly didn't know what to expect from it and it was quite the experience writing this.

The thing is it was difficult to write this book for several reasons:

1. It was in a completely different setting and the timeframe was different
2. The main character wasn't someone who was involved a lot in the last book. There is little to read about her life compared to other characters meaning there was also little I knew about her because my focus was more on explaining the other characters
3. Theses characters run on different dynamics. Liam's cool, calm and collected whilst Cassidy's fierce, passionate and caring
4. Bringing in social issues - I wanted to express some form of awareness in my stories about overcoming obstacles in life that stop you from being who you want to be and this was difficult to write about because such issues are never simple. They're extremely complicated and I've personally never been through what they've gone through so a lot of my work was based on other people's stories that they shared and my own research
5. People's triggers - I bring up issues in my book like the trauma or abuse or sexual assault and though, they were hardly brought up, I have to be aware that the severity of people's triggers differ. I need to respect that some people don't want to read certain parts of my books and that's okay; it was difficult because I didn't want to bring in these social issues, but I realised I wanted to make the story realistic. However, some people aren't comfortable with these topics and that's okay :) that's why I put notices at the start of my chapters for them

To be honest, I'm not the most proud of this book. I've hit several writer's blocks, didn't update a lot towards the end, wrote this in the midst of exam season and finished it at the height of work overload and practice exam papers lol.

But I'm always up for a challenge and it'll be a challenge to edit this book to the very best I can do with it. I'm determined, though.

Cassidy and Liam's story has so much potential that I just couldn't squeeze out in the time I wrote it.

Also, let me know what you want on bonus chapters. I'm thinking of updating some so feel free to suggest characters and what you want to see from them :)

Again, thank you all so so much. I hope to see you in the next book!

- J

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