Chapter 57.

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CHAPTER 57: she's a piece of art

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"Do you plan to keep me locked up here like Rapunzel?" I asked, drowning myself in Liam's pillows and sheets as he came out of his bathroom with nothing but a towel hung low on his waist. A small laugh escaped me when he shook his hair free of the water that soaked through it.

"Well, do you plan on jumping my bones the second I come in from work any time soon?" he retorted, cocking his head back slightly to glance over at me, "I told you I'd be home earlier this morning. Don't tell me you weren't listening."

Suddenly, I'd propped myself up. Now that was a violation—a personal one, if I must say. He can't blame me; he wasn't wearing anything except his boxers. I got a little...distracted.

"I was paying attention to your back, thank you very much and I have no shame in admitting so. Obviously, I wasn't listening," I said as I watched him remove the towel from his hip, dropping it onto the floor. He reached into a nearby drawer and got out some boxers all the while I stared at him utterly mesmerised.

Liam was good looking even with his clothes on. He had fairly sharp defined features, his eyes always dead set on a slightly stern look if he didn't smile all the time and the way he carried himself was confident enough.

His shoulders were broad and though he knew of his strength, he's never treated me with nothing but a soft touch, delicate against my skin.

I watched him make his way over to me with long strides, his hand reaching out to finely trace the skin upon my arm before pulling me to my feet. Liam pulled my naked body towards his chest and pressed a small kiss to my neck.

"Put on a nice dress. We're going out," he whispered, kissing me firmly. I giggled, pulling back slightly with my hands on his hard chest.


The man simply shrugged with a grin. Oh, so a date? Another fine excuse to wear a cute outfit, "I'm taking you out on a date. An art museum. I knew you liked art so I figured it'd be a good way to spend the rest of the day."

I stared at him in disbelief. He remembered. He actually remembered I mentioned that. It wasn't such a big deal if he forgot. I rarely went to art museums because I hardly had the time to go; it was more of a treat where I went with Sofia. She was a fashion student, but art ran in her veins and she's always admired every form of art to exist. I figured it was a good way to get her out of the house and away from Zane for a few hours before she was pregnant.

Liam also shared an interest in art with me, though I knew it was mostly just for me. He actually knew quite a bit about the topic but not enough to differentiate everything I would say.

I squealed in excitement, earning a chuckle from Liam as I went over to the suitcase containing multiple outfits and clothes. Figuring I'd be switching to and from my house and Liam's place, I might as well leave some clothes behind so I've always got something ready.

Picking out an outfit, I grabbed a nearby towel and headed into the bathroom, ignoring Liam's pleas on joining me as I shut the door behind me. In about two minutes, if he's still not here that's how I know he's just waiting outside.

After we both got ready, we left his place and headed down to his car parked outside of the entrance of the apartments.

"See? Cassidy, it would be so much easier if you just moved in with me. You wouldn't have to be panicking for ten minutes trying to find the other earring," Liam explained as he opened the car door for me before heading over to the other side to get in, "and it'll be easier driving from work for both of us and deciding where we would stay—less hassle, you know?"

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