Chapter 23.

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CHAPTER 23: thinking with anything but a brain

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"Damn, who's that?" I jumped in my place before spinning around to see Russell stood in my hallways with a McDonald's cheeseburger in his hand. He was chewing down the contents of his mouth before he spoke up once again, "she's really hot."

Mentally, I groaned in frustration, but physically, I recoiled in slight disgust. Considering they've just met—and in the most awkward way possible—he's got a lot of confidence that he's very much willing to show her.

I wish I had the explanations to both of them; that Russell was the assistant of Liam O'Connor and thought with his dick rather than his brain. He was at my house with Liam discussing some work that he needed some help with and I wished she came at a better time so I could properly explain everything.

The thing was, she's come at an awkward time and I was hardly expecting her. Also, Russell never knows when to shut his goddamn mouth.

"Cassidy, who's that?" Cynthia asked, worry lacing her tone, which was most probably for herself rather than me. However, her eyes narrowed in slight repulse at the sight of the man as she lifted a finger to point at him, which is a reaction he usually saw from disgusted women, "why is he in your house?"

This might take a while, I thought when suddenly, Liam comes up behind me as I turned around, causing me to bump into his firm body. Obviously, he hardly moved at all and instead, held me firmly against him as I looked up curiously at the man. His gaze was on me as I beckoned behind me to Cynthia.

"Come inside, Cyn. I'm pretty sure I have some explaining to do." she came inside and closed the door behind her. I sent the two men away, which was only quite difficult for Russell because I was pretty sure he was too busy trying to get Cynthia's attention. Liam grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him into the room next door as I quickly brought the woman in for a hug. She accepted happily enough, sighing at the feeling of being with me once again before pulling back in surprise.

"What's going on? You never told me about them," she spoke, knowing all too well I would've told her of anyone new I've met. To be honest, I never imagined myself having them in my house either so it was quite a surprise seeing them. I sighed, heading into the kitchen as she followed closely behind me and grabbing a bottle of wine, I opened it and poured some in two glasses before passing her one, "nice place you have here. I've taught you well, I see."

"Dude, it's so good, right? This is what I call pride," I said as I flicked my hair over my shoulder. To say I was proud of how far I've come and how successful I've become is an understatement. This house is my pride and joy, everything I've worked so hard to get for myself. I never got the house because I wanted to start a family here. I got it because it was close to work, family and was everything I dreamed about since I was a kid, "the guys in there are colleagues of Michael, but they're just here to do some work. Come on, I'll introduce you."

It was strange enough for me to introduce her to people this time. Before, if was always her telling people about me and how amazing of a person I was before they met me. She was always proud; she made it known to the world as well. Never once has she shied away from proving people wrong about me, which is what I loved about her.

I watched Cynthia grab her wine glass before gently stopping her in her tracks and shaking my head. Liam recovered, but I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable in its presence because I know it does that to him. Better to be mindful about how he might feel.

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