Chapter 66.

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CHAPTER 66: got the baby blues

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I hadn't anticipated how many people were actually coming to the party and after the first ten people arrived, I thought that was it.

Now we were all swarmed in the front room—which I was surprised we could all fit into—having drinks and eating some appetisers me and Liam prepared this morning.

It took some time plus some arguing that we had to fuck out, but we got there in the end. We spent the first week in our new house just setting everything up and planning the house warming party. My limbs ached under my touch from the work and I assumed so did Liam's, but he carried himself a lot better than I did.

"It's not much, but I knew it'd go with the ornaments you've got by the fireplace so I got it for you guys," Sofia muttered, handing me a small wrapped box with a smile. I thanked her for the present, leading her through into the front room where some of my family were.

Sofia met with her husband, who was holding Zara's baby seat in one hand and busily talking to Owen across the room. He settled the seat down on the rug, pushing down the hood and unhooking his daughter from her confines. She was lazily sat there, chewing on her mitten as her dad picked her up into his arms.

My eyes gazed across the room before they landed on Cynthia stood by herself and drinking a glass of fruit juice. Hm, odd for her, I thought, heading over with a smile.

"Hey, you made it," I spoke, grabbing a drink on the side before turning to her, but her actions didn't go unnoticed by me. I've known Cynthia far too long to know she never came to these events and doing one: not having an alcoholic beverage and two: excluding herself from talking to other people, "you okay? You seem nervous...and distanced."

Her eyes never met mine and the smile on her face seemed forced. Okay, what's going on? I saw the twitch her brows did as they furrowed together slightly, "well...I need to tell you something. In private."

That got my attention, nodding once before she dragged me away by the arm, avoiding the eyes of everyone in the room and keeping them firm on the ground or furniture. Even when we passed Liam and Russell, she never even acknowledged their presence.

We walked out and headed through just next door into Liam's office. Cynthia opened the door, entering as I followed after only for us to settle on the sleek white chairs in the room. She was quiet—awkward as well so I knew it must be a pretty significant deal if even she's nervous.

"What do you need to tell me?" I asked, my voice quiet as I drank down my drink, "you've been different lately and I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm just worried about you, that's all."

Cynthia shook her head at the statement, her brows furrowing together, "no, no, you shouldn't worry about me. I have been different, won't last for long. The thing is, I've been preparing a few things and every time I folded clothes or packed away supplies, it reminded me how I was keeping this from you. God, I hope you won't be mad at me for this—"

"Trust me," I started, lifting a finger up to stop her, "unless you slept with Liam or someone's husband or boyfriend, I'm not going to be mad—I know I'm your best friend, but I wouldn't go that far in defending you."

I said that to ease her nerves, something to humour her and it seemingly worked even just a bit for she let out a laugh. It was an uncomfortable laugh, though, but a laugh nevertheless.

"Uh, I'm pregnant." excuse me?

I hope I heard that right.

To my past self, it definitely wasn't anything you expected.

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