67. A Love Letter

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Dearest Taehyung,

Weird. I think that's how I want to describe how we met and how those meetings bloomed into a beautiful romance.

I remembered how I was so shocked when I first saw you. I couldn't believe how handsome you were. Don't worry, you are until now, more handsome than ever. But you were so arrogant. I can't imagine that you can be so sweet, loving, and caring. Too far from the arrogant man who asked me to wash his Gucci shirt six years ago.

I am a sucker for romantic things. I am old-fashioned. I love to doodle sweet nothings on a notebook. On the other hand, just like me, you are old fashioned too. You love receiving letters. Hand-written letters to be exact.

Who would have thought that our old-fashioned loves would lead us to where we are now? I have to admit, it still feels unreal. We both know that it's complicated at first but you turned it to be possible.

On this day, I chose to commit myself to a beautiful human who loves me for who I am, who fell in love with the words I wrote and still writing, who eats every food I am cooking and will cook in the future. I chose to devote myself to the man who believes in my strengths and helps me hone them. He's one of the people who taught me how to be strong and to stand for myself. I chose to marry you, Kim Taehyung.

Remembering the past six years, choosing to be with you wasn't easy. You know it. But I was so in love. Actually, you're the only man I've ever loved. So I chose to be happy. And obviously, that happiness was to be with you. Fast forward to now, I did not regret that decision. Because until now, and I believe in the coming future, that we will be more in love, we will be happier and we will create more happy memories together. With our daughter Aera and our future children.

I know that there will be a period in our married life, we will experience some hurdles. But I will continue writing letters for you to remind you and myself of how we started and how you fell in love with me and how I fell in love with you. And the beautiful moments in between. I know those beautiful memories will overpower the darkest parts of our lives.

I would like to take this beautiful moment to thank you for everything you've done for me. As promised, I will marry you as soon as I graduated. Thank you for pushing me to go to University. Thank you for putting Aera to sleep and helping me take care of her especially when I have exams and reports. Thank you for inspiring me and cheering me on whenever I feel like giving up. My diploma is for you, our Aera, and my brother Jungkook.

Thank you for laughing with me no matter how corny my jokes were. Please continue laughing with me even through tears. Thank you for eating the foods I am cooking and for trying your best to cook whenever I feel sick or tired. Thank you for being adventurous and eating street foods with me. Even though I know how much you wanted to throw up, you still chew and swallow them with your signature boxy smile. Thank you for our movie date nights on the sofa until we fell asleep cuddling each other. I will choose those nights over dinner in a fancy restaurant. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for the unimaginable joy you have given me especially when Aera was born. And for the future beautiful children that we are going to make. Thank you for being a great father and provider. I guess you're much better than me. And most especially, thank you for your love. Thank you for this day that finally, I can call you to mine forever.

We don't know what the future will bring or what's in store for us. During those times that I am with you, I saw how great a husband you're going to be and that's one of the reasons I fell in love with you even more and chose to marry you. I am confident that no matter how dark the road will be, I know hand in hand, we can go pass through it. We will overcome all the hardships. As long as we have faith and love in each other.

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