22. Convince

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"Where have you been?" Mr

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"Where have you been?" Mr. Min asked as soon as I hopped inside his car.

"I delivered something." I don't want him to know about Jimin. Not yet. That's the reason why I went home earlier last night. I'm afraid that once I get drunk, I will say something excessive.

He nods. "I'm actually on my way to Taehyung's house but I saw you went out of the gate. So I followed you."

My breath hitched for a moment. I began to fidget. I'm doomed! Jimin will surely freak out. No, he will surely flip.

I turn my face so I'm facing Mr. Min. I can feel the corners of my eyes are getting heavy. "Mr. Min, please. I know you already got it. Please, please, don't say anything to Mr. Kim. It will cost me my job. Jimin will surely fire me."

I saw him smirked. He even shook his head. It looks like he's disliking my request. "I won't don't worry. It's just funny that it's you who is delivering the food and letter for my boss. I mean, we're together two days in a row but you did not mention anything. You're so good at keeping a secret, huh?"

I'm not sure if that's an insult or a compliment but I am holding on to his words that he will not say anything to Mr. Kim. "Thank you, sir. I'm loyal to Jimin. Of course, I will keep it as long as I can."

"Taehyung told me that he wanted to meet Chim soon. He's starting to like him, honestly." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Really? How? Why? Is that possible? I mean, he hasn't seen Jimin yet." I bombarded Mr. Min with questions. I mean, it's only food and letters. How can he even like someone without seeing?

"Taehyung is a sucker for things like that. He finds handwritten letters so romantic. He's very old fashioned when it comes to that. It's easy to please him. The delicious food is a plus. Chim must be a good chef."

Mr. Min glances at me then his eyes go back to the road. Jimin is not a chef. I don't know if I should correct him or I'll just keep it. Besides, I don't think it's necessary.



"You did not acknowledge what I said."

I went clueless. "What was that, sir?"

"Is Chim a chef?"

"Oh... Well, not really." I admitted. That's the truth anyway.

Mr. Min looked surprised by what I just said. Did I betray Jimin?

"But he's sending delicious foods. I tasted the burger and it's so amazing! How I wish I can have a secret admirer like Chim. I mean, he can cook really well. To think, he's not even a chef. What more if he is?"

I'm not sure why it pinched my heart. Thinking about it, it's a bit painful that someone else is enjoying the glory that should be mine. I breathe out and shake my head of the negative thoughts that are running in my head. I should not think about it that way.

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