54. Chance

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Two Weeks Ago

Jimin chose to spend the night in a quiet bar to drink all his anxieties away. What happened between him and Jin that day hurt him way more than what he expected.

Thinking about it, he remembered Jin's kindness and service to him from highschool until just recently. It's true that he abused it. He admitted it to himself. He wanted to be as perfect as Jin but it seemed as if things weren't going the way he wanted them to.

A bottle was placed in front of him making him turn his head. His forehead creased after seeing the man seated beside him.

"You are bothered," Yoongi said after drinking from his beer bottle.

"What are you doing here?" If there's something more apparent in Jimin's voice, it was his anxiety.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulder. "To be honest, that spot where you are currently seated; is my favorite spot. I am always here every weekend to ease my stress. How bout you?"

Jimin gave Yoongi an annoyed stare. "None of your business. I'm here to drink, nothing else."

Yoongi chuckled, amused by Jimin's coldness. "I see. I am Taehyung's most trusted friend. Did you know that?"

Jimin snorted, rolling his eyes. "And so? You have nothing to do with us."

Yoongi smiled and looked at the counter, running his finger on the mouth of the bottle in front of him. "I know something Jimin and you might be surprised that I knew."

Jimin looked at Yoongi. Worry grew inside him. "W-what do you mean?"

Yoongi turned the bottle up, finishing his drink in one go. "I know that Jin did everything for you. The letters, the food, it's all his effort and don't you deny it. I have evidence."

Jimin shifted in his seat, removing one button of his dress shirt near his neck. "I don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you leave me alone?"

Yoongi chuckled hearing Jimin panic. He knew it will happen. "Stop acting like some innocent bitch, Jimin. I'm doing this to at least save your face from shame.

First, you know that Namjoon and I are close friends. You used him to get information from me about Taehyung's address. I admit it was so stupid of me. I trusted Namjoon.

Second, you used Jin to deceive Taehyung. I will bet my life that Jin did not want all your dramas from the beginning but he had no choice. I know and you know that Jin needed work to survive. And to add more, Jin treated and considered you as his best friend. He probably wanted you to be happy aside from the fact that he recognized your kindness if I can really call it kindness.

Jimin, tell everything to Taehyung. Stop all your bullshits. I'm doing this for Tae because he deserved the truth and he doesn't deserve to be deceived. I mean, why don't you let him love you for who you really are and not for who you're portraying to be? Do you really want him to love the fake you?

You better tell him now. You should be the one to tell him, otherwise, I will be the one to tell all your lies. You better vindicate yourself or else you will end up picking yourself from the puddle."

Jimin looked shocked. His face red and his eyes started to get teary. He knew that Taehyung will find out in a way but not like this. "Are you threatening me?"

"I am."

Jimin scoffed and finally, a tear fell from his eyes. "Who asked you to do this? Jin asked you right? He's doing all these to me because I fired him because he's flirting with Taehyung! He betrayed me for liking the man I like! He's acting like some innocent guy but the truth, he is a gold digger snake snatching Taehyung from me!"

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