64. Fly

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I stood frozen in the middle of Taehyung's office. Trying to comprehend what I just read. I have bad feelings about it but at the same time, I know that I should meet him up and talk things out. To try to settle our differences and hopefully, so both of us can start to heal.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. I showed him Jimin's message. He turned me to face him, holding my chin up to meet his eyes. "I will not force you to meet him but based on your feelings, I know you want to talk to him to say the things that have been bothering you.

I told you before and will tell you again, you shouldn't be bothered by the things you don't have control about. But I noticed also that you care so much about Jimin's feelings that you want to address it with him. I honestly don't know what keeps on worrying you. Perhaps, you just don't like it when people get disappointed or mad."

Taehyung kissed my forehead and hugged me. "If you really want to meet him, please let Hoseok and Jungkook come with you. I want to but I guess that will make the two of your more uncomfortable."

Taehyung was right. I always care about what others think of me. I am usually bothered if people are disappointed or angry at me even if I am right. I know it shouldn't be like that. Yoongi was right. I should stand up for myself. But I'm still in the process of doing that. Perhaps, meeting Jimin today is one big step.

"I swear, don't he dare lay a finger even on the tip of your hair. He will go home with a broken nose," Hoseok said in between gritted teeth. If you will ask me, I think he will pass out because of anger. Jungkook just laughed at Hoseok's reaction.

"It will be fine hyung. Don't worry, he cannot hurt you," Jungkook assured me.

We have a couple of unpleasant encounters after he fired me from his restobar. I guess it's normal that I am feeling unsafe with him. Sitting down in a pastry shop with Jungkook and Hoseok nearby, I feel more comfortable.

Taehyung keeps on texting me to ask if I'm okay. He reminded me again to just leave if I am not comfortable or if ever I change my mind and assured me that it will be okay. But I consider this as the perfect opportunity to settle things with him and if this day will not go according to my liking, then perhaps, this is not the right time. Yet.

At last, Jimin came with a weak smile on his face. My heart started to beat faster than normal. I stood up to acknowledge him but he waved to ask me to remain seated.

"No need to be so formal," He touched my shoulder and smiled. He ordered a cup of coffee before finally sitting in front of me.

I don't have the guts to look at Hoseok. I can imagine how high are his eyebrows right now. And perhaps, he must be chanting some curses.

"How are you?" Jimin broke the ice. Honestly, I don't know what to say to him.

"I'm good. How about you?"

Jimin gave me a tight lip smile. He sipped from his cup before looking straight in my eye. "I am flying to France tomorrow."

His news caught me off guard. I am expecting an ugly encounter today. But hearing what he just said gave me a pinch of pain.

"I will study Culinary."

I smiled and nodded. "Does it mean your father finally allowed you to pursue your passion?"

Jimin's face became sullen. He shook his head and took a deep breath. "Sadly, no. He said I am not his son anymore. Ugly right? How could a father disown his son just because of his selfish desires?"

My heart hurts for him. He already mentioned his problems before. I know it sucks that they weren't able to settle their problems. He loves his father and that love prevented him to do what he wanted in life. "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe in the future, he will finally accept that what he wants for you isn't for you."

Jimin just smiled weakly while running his index finger around the mouth of his cup. "I hope. I mentioned to you that he's sick. But I don't want to do anything against my will just because he's sick. Anyway, I'm doing this for myself. I have a restaurant but I don't know how to cook. Odd, isn't it? So I finally gather all my courage to face my dad and told him what I wanted and no matter what happens, I will pursue it."

I am speechless. I am genuinely happy for him.

"Jin, I'm sorry."


"I meet you today because the next time will be two years from now. And I don't want to fly without settling our differences."

"Jimin, about--"

"No, Jin. No hard feelings about Tae. Really. I mean, you're right. I cannot force him to like me. I am certain that a forced relationship would leave us both hurt."

Jimin stared at me. "Jin, I'm sorry for all the wrongs I've done to you. My insecurities got the best of me. There's no excuse for what I did so please, forgive me. I am truly sorry, Jin.

I know you're still worried about Taehyung. Honestly, I got hurt because I like him--"

"I'm sorry."

Jimin shook his head and smiled. "You did not do anything so you don't have to apologize. Sometimes, it's hard to admit our wrong but this time, I have to admit that what I did was very wrong. I deceived him. Disgusting, wasn't it? I looked so desperate.

I also thought about, what if I just did what I have to do without Jin's help? They probably wouldn't meet. Then Taehyung would be all mine. But you know what? Whether I did that without your help, I realized that the result would probably be the same. I guess he still wouldn't like me.

It all happened because it is meant to happen. You meeting him is fate. It is bound to happen. I already accepted that fact. Even if I did not ask you to cook and deliver the food, I still believe that you and he will meet in other ways.

It sucks that the people we like don't like us back. It sucks that we cannot get whatever we want. But maybe, there's someone out there who is meant for me. Someone who will like me for who I am. Even if I don't do something pathetic.

I am genuinely happy for you. I am happy that Taehyung found you. At least, he is with someone who will love him the best way possible and I am 100% confident that he will be taken good care of. Knowing you, I know you will take care of him the way you take care of Jungkook.

Jin, I know our friendship isn't the same anymore but I hope we can still slowly patch things up. You inspire me to follow my dreams. Because of you, because of what happened, I realized that instead of getting bitter, instead of drowning myself with insecurities and envy, I should do something to better myself.

I will be leaving tomorrow. I hope we can still message each other even through emails. And I hope when I come back, I am already a better version of Jimin."

Jimin extended his arm, his hand open, his face bright and he's smiling happily. "Friends?"

I have to admit that I am overwhelmed by what I just heard from him. I am happy that he lower his pride and realized a lot of good things. We've been friends, I don't think it's too late to be friends again.

I took his hand and squeezed it. My heart is smiling together with my lips as I responded. "Friends."

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