17. Anonymous

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I sometimes doubt if Yoongi is really busy or is up to something unusual. He said he's only 5 minutes away. It's been an hour and he's not yet here. I wonder where the hell is 5 minutes away.

I asked him to bring the documents that I need to review and sign. I am planning to have my dinner with him but since he's late, I started to eat the food Chim sent for me.

"Hello, Sir! I'm home. You're right, having groceries before the rush hour is much better. The line at the cashier was shorter." Sam begins to organize what he bought.

Sam just arrived from the Supermarket. I called him from the office and intentionally asked him to leave late. I don't want Sam to hear me talking to the delivery boy. Sam doesn't have an idea that the delivery boy and the man Yeonjun hit with the car are one and the same.

"I told you. And I'm craving for strawberries. Did you get some for me?" I took a peek at the bags and he handed me a container full of strawberries. "Thank you."

Sam just noticed the food containers in front of me. His face suddenly became sullen. "Oh! He arrived already?"

"You mean the delivery boy?"

Sam nods. "I really want to give him my shoes. I am worried about the shoes he's wearing. I hope it will last until I gave him mine."

"Good evening Sam!" At last, I heard Yoongi's voice. No more time to feel guilty about the delivery boy.

"You're late," I said to Yoongi without looking at him. He sits in front of me and looking at the food I am eating.

"Is that the food your secret admirer has been sending you?" He rests his chin on his hand and stares at me in amusement.

I pushed the container in front of him. "Why don't you try so you'll know why I'm excited about dinner."

Yoongi chuckled before he spoons some of the food and eats. And he spoons out one more and then another one until I pull the container away. "Too much."

"Now I know why you keep on talking about that Chim," Yoongi said while chewing. "Is the letter also continuous?"

I nod, staring at the envelope on the table. "I honestly want the letter more than the food." I have to admit that I am a sucker for these small things. The truth, the letter keeps me sane these past few days. I don't know why my dad keeps on stressing me. This simple joy, the food, and the letter, somehow put a smile on my face. It's just weird how a secret admirer can make me feel this way.

"Do you have any idea who this Chim is?" Yoongi asked as he gives an envelope of documents I asked him to bring.

I shake my head. But I am thinking about Jimin. The owner of Chim's Restobar. I just don't want to say it to Yoongi because I'm not yet sure. Jimin is a college schoolmate. I honestly cannot remember much about him until I saw him earlier. What I just remember was Namjoon introduced him to me during our school days.

"But you kind of like it, right?" Yoongi smiled. Yoongi is not just my assistant, but also a friend. I don't have a lot of friends here in Korea apart from Yoongi and Namjoon since I spent some time in the States. And of course, my driver Yeonjun and my house helper, Sam.

"I have a weakness in these stuffs. I don't know why I love receiving handwritten letters. And the food is so good too. I hope I can meet this Chim soon." I am anticipating for that day to come. One thing is for sure, the person writing and cooking for me is a sweet one. And I like sweet people.

"Wait, why are you late? You messaged me that you're five minutes away but you arrived an hour later. Where have you been? Don't tell me you got lost?"

Yoongi laughed, waving his hands at me. "No, of course not. I can go here even with my eyes closed. I saw the server that I want to introduce to you."

"The Chim's server? What about him?"

"Yes. Him. The one who recommended the delicious foods you've been eating for lunch. Anyway, I saw him on the street. His shoes got damaged so I gave him a ride home. Turned out, it's his birthday today so I bought a cake and brought it back to him."

I snorted at his story. "And since when have you been interested in giving donations?"

Yoongi's eyebrows met at the center. "You're so mean! Did you know that? No wonder why you don't have a lot of friends. If that Chim will learn how mean you are, I bet, he will stop sending you letters."

I suddenly remember the delivery boy who cried because of what I said to him. I'm not mean. I don't mean to be rude. I'm just naturally straight-forward.

"You like him," I stated.

But Yoongi just chuckled. "Actually, I find him really attractive. He is handsome. And when I talked to him earlier, he is a very nice guy. And very humble too."

"Just like my Chim?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at me. "You don't even know that Chim yet so don't compare mine to yours. What if the delivery boy is the real Chim? Then what now?" Yoongi's voice sounds as if he's challenging me and I'm up for it.

"What if I tell you that the delivery boy is cute?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at me. "Mr. Kim, have you really lower your bar?"

"What are you talking about? It's true. The delivery boy is cute. But he's a bit old-fashioned. He easily gets startled and a bit clumsy."

To be honest, the delivery boy isn't that bad. He's just a bit annoying. Perhaps, because he already made a bad impression during our first meeting. I am always particular about first impressions. Like the cliche, the first impression lasts. His clumsiness stuck in my head. Then he even called me a thief.

"I don't think he's the same as Chim. I mean, he's a waiter. Perhaps, he knows something about food but I doubt that he can cook. And I doubt if he can write a sweet letter like that." I said. And I'm sure of that.

"Well, until that Chim finally reveals his true identity, everything will remain as a puzzle. But I'm glad that you're enjoying what he's doing for you."

I cannot agree more. As a matter of fact, I will not complain if he will keep his identity for a while. I want to enjoy the feeling that someone is anonymously admiring me. And I want to continuously receive letters from him. Because I'm loving it.

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