65. News

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My dear Taehyung,

How's your day? I want to bring this to you but I have classes the whole day. I made burgers for you.

Sometimes, I wish I can go back in time when I am looking forward to delivering food for you. The excitement I have because I am going to see the most handsome man I've laid my eyes on. Yes, it's you. Only you.

But at the same time, I am thankful because, at the end of the day, I'll come home to you. Perhaps, when you love someone, a minute without seeing that someone feels like forever. Because that's exactly how I am feeling every day when I'm not with you.

Enjoy the food and see you tonight! I love you.


I smiled as I put back the letter inside the envelope. It's been two months since he moved in with me. Jungkook also came but he said that he will move out once he was able to save money from his salary.

Everything going on well between us. Jin became happier after meeting Jimin a few months ago. I was happy that finally, he got the peace of mind he was dreaming for. And I'm happy that they finally fixed their differences.

Every day, ever since he started to go to school, he would prepare meals for me. But what excites me the most are the letters that come along with it. I think I will never get tired of reading them. It stills gives me that excitement. It still makes me feel giddy. It still melts my heart. It still makes me smile. It still makes me fall in love with him more.

If before, I could only taste his cooking at dinner, lately, I could taste the delicious recipes he's preparing any time of the day. I could feel his presence even if he's at school.

I was excited to open the lunch bag he prepared for me. I love burgers. I love his home-made burgers. I picked my mobile phone from my desk and started to dial his number. He's probably at the cafeteria of the university. It's lunchtime. I wonder if he prepared a different meal for himself.

But before I could even dial his number, my office phone started ringing. I stared at my phone for a while contemplating if I should answer the call or just ignore but thinking if it was an important call, I decided to answer.


"Hello sir, may I speak to Mr. Kim Taehyung?" A lady from the other line spoke.

"Speaking. May I know who is calling please?"

"Good afternoon, sir. This is from the University clinic..."

The moment I heard it, I thought my heart dropped on my stomach and I started to panic. "What happened to Seokjin?"

"Oh! Sir, I'm sorry. Mr. Kim collapsed and he was brought to the clinic. You're his contact person in case of emergency."

I didn't understand what she said next. I immediately grabbed my car keys and left my office. I heard Yoongi calling me but I rushed towards the elevator. Pressing the button like there's no tomorrow.

It seemed as if my heart was racing faster than my car. I couldn't explain the worry I was feeling. I didn't have any idea what could have gone wrong. He was happy the morning I drove him to school. He was sleepy but happy.


"I'm okay," Jin insisted as I parked my car on the hospital lot. He wanted to go home but I wanted him to get checked. Just to be sure.

"Passing out is not okay, Jin. I already set an appointment and stop complaining. You must have exhausted yourself," I replied as I helped him step out of the car.

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