15. Accused

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I took some more fresh air before going inside the mansion. I removed my shoes, making sure not to leave any single dirt mark on the tiled floor.

As I enter his home, I can already smell his perfume. I'm not sure what particular smell is that since I cannot afford to buy one but one thing is for sure, Mr. Kim smells so manly. I wish his good smell is as good as his personality.

"Here." He called out before I turn to the hallway going to the kitchen. I need to carry my feet as I walk towards the receiving area. I don't feel good about this. I hope he will not spoil my birthday.

I bowed at him. His legs crossed, one of his arm on the backrest of his black leather couch and the other on the armrest. His eyes glaring as ever as he looked at me from head to foot.

I know my clothes are far from what he's wearing. Maybe he's wearing another expensive shirt and shorts at home. My shirt already faded with some tiny holes as a sign of frequent washing. I noticed his eyes linger on my feet. I looked down and my eyes widened in deep shock. Two of my toes are out as my right sock has holes. I curled it in to hide it. I saw him sigh. How embarrassing.

"Sit." He ordered. He points to the couch on his right and I sit there. I am waiting for him to order for me to bark, to roll and to play dead. The way he speaks is full of authority. I wonder how Sam can stomach this kind of attitude.

"Where are you working?" If there's an award for the coldest blankest expression, Mr. Kim will surely win it. Landslide.

"In a restaurant sir," I answered. I am sure he wanted to know the name.

"What restaurant?"

I began rubbing my thumb with my other thumb and index finger. I need to lie. "It's a small restaurant sir. Chingu Cafe."

"I haven't heard of that." He said. I know he won't believe me. But I need to lie more.

"It's just a very small cafe, sir. I'm sure you haven't seen that." Oh gosh. I don't know his purpose for interviewing me like this.

"So tell me, how is Chim's Restobar related to your boss?" His question surprised me. I'm not ready for this.

"I don't know sir. I know that restaurant but I haven't been there. My boss has many colleagues but I don't know any of them." I need to stop the conversation about it or else, he will dig deeper. I know he already has suspicions because it's already noticeable. "I'm sorry Mr. Kim but if you wanted to know who Chim is, I don't know. My boss's name is Jungkook. I don't know how he is related to Chim. I'm only an employee, I don't have the right to question them."

I looked at him and I wonder if he even blinks his eyes. His stares are still the same. But I think he looked convinced with my reasoning.

"He must have paid you well." He said in a very sarcastic tone. "Anyway, I don't really know if you're lying but I am sure that half of what you said is a lie. Are you really sure you are a waiter or a delivery boy? My driver told me you also deliver newspapers."

His driver? I'm thinking of the people I've met while delivering newspapers. Shit! My eyes widened as I remember the only man who talked to me yesterday. "Y-you m-mean you're his boss?"

He smirked. Rolling his eyes at me. "He told me that he saw you delivering newspapers. He asked you about the bike because I gave you three hundred dollars so you can buy a new one or have the one we damaged repaired. But you told him that someone stole your money."

Everything starts to sink in. Why did I even say someone stole it? I should have said that I paid for something important. Why am I so dumb?

"Mr. Kim, I'm really sorry about my choice of words. But I really do feel it was stolen from me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you in any way." My thumb is burning, I think I rubbed it too much because of anxiousness.

Mr. Kim snorted. Bringing back his insulting expression at me. "The one who gave you money stole the money from you. Do I even look like a theft to you?"

I shake my head frantically. I can already feel my heartbeat in my throat. I lowered my head and stared at my toes from the hole of my sock. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kim. That's not what I mean."

"Of course it's not what you mean." His voice started to rise. "You stained my shirt. You offered to give that money. Then you said I stole it? I guess I should be the one who should say that."

I lift my head and look at him. "I'm not a theft Mr. Kim."

He barked a laugh. "So where did you bring the money then? It is supposed to be for your bike, right? Or you're tempted and just buy something unnecessary?"

His words hit me hard. How can he look at me like that? He doesn't know me. He doesn't know what I'm going through. Earlier, I am so nervous because of his presence but now, all I can feel is anger.

"I don't have parents now but they did not raise me to use money for unnecessary things. We are poor. I don't even finish high school. I am working hard for my brother. But I am not a theft.

It's true. When I got the money I think twice, thrice if I should buy a bike or have it repaired. But I realized that I can go to work without it. I can always ride a bus or walk. I decided to use it to pay our rent and to buy my brother his school needs.

You're wealthy. You don't know what I am feeling. I believed my decision to the money to something else. Because if I did not do that, there will be no more roof under our heads by now. My brother don't have the books that he needed. I may be poor but I will never steal."

I stand up, wiping my tears, feeling worthless. I haven't been looked down that low especially by someone I don't even know. I felt so useless and dumb. How can someone like Mr. Kim made me feel this way?

I put down the bag of food on the center table. I bowed down at him.

"I'm sorry again Mr. Kim. That's your dinner. Please enjoy the food." I bowed down again before making my way out of his mansion.

I cannot fathom the insults he threw at me. Wealthy people are the same. Him, Jimin, all they know is to look down on us. We are lowly people for them. As if I choose this. They all ruined my birthday.

As I walked away from the mansion, I almost tripped. I can already feel the warm cemented road. When I looked back, I saw the sole completely separated from my right shoe. I stared at it for a while. Is there any more unfortunate day than this day?

I leaned down to pick it up. Feeling extremely drained, I sat down on the gutter of the sidewalk. I covered my face with my hands and screamed. I hate this day. I look at the sole of my shoe and then on my foot. I can't believe all these unfortunate things happened on my birthday.

Then I heard a horn. A car stopped in front of me. Then the driver went out, looking worried. I stand up immediately when I recognize the driver.

"Mr. Min, good afternoon." I greeted as I wipe my tears. Trying hard to suppress my cry.

"Are you okay?" He stared at the sole that I am holding. I quickly hide it on my back.

"Yes. I'm okay." I smiled.

He stared at me for a while he opened the passenger door of his car. "Get in. Let's buy a new pair of shoes."

I waved my hand, one of them holding the sole. "No, sir. No. Oh my gosh." I laughed nervously. "I have new shoes at home. It's just that, this one is still okay but now that it's not okay, I will use the new one tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

I nod, smiling hard to convince.

"Okay. Then let me just drive you home. Get in, don't refuse, or else, you will walk without a shoe on." He smiled, tilting his head. Gesturing me to get in.

I finally give up and ride his car. I run without shoes yesterday. I don't want to walk without a shoe on today. Not on my birthday.

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